#Changes to be committed: #modified: README.md # 第二次这样做: Add name and author to package.json #Please enter the commit messageforyour changes. Lines starting #with'#'will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. # #interactive rebaseinprogress; onto 11221d4 #Last comman...
git commit-a--amend 1. 简单来说,git amend 命令用于在 git 中编辑 commit 和提交消息。这是 git 中撤销更改的最基本方式之一。 当运行上述代码时,git 会打开选择的编辑器并显示最近的提交,在其中加入更改以进入暂存环境: 复制 Add.gitignore #Pleaseenter the commit messageforyourchanges.Linesstarting #with...
这只能在没有推送之前有用. 如果你已经推了, 唯一安全能做的是git revert SHAofBadCommit, 那会创建一个新的提交(commit)用于撤消前一个提交的所有变化(changes);或者, 如果你推的这个分支是rebase-safe的 (例如:其它开发者不会从这个分支拉), 只需要使用git push -f。 删除任意提交(commit) 同样的警告:不...
Save and close the editor, and then use these commands to commit the changes: Bash Copy git add -A git commit -m "Make small wording change; ignore editor backups" This example uses the -A option with git add to add all untracked (and not ignored) files, and the files that have...
*** Commands *** 1: status 2: update 3: revert 4: commit 5: push 6: help status> status On branch master Your branch is up to date with ‘origin/master’. Changes to be committed: (use “git restore –staged…” to unstage) ...
# Please enter the commit messageforyour changes. Lines starting # with'#'will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. # # Date: Thu Sep519:05:462019+0800# # interactive rebaseinprogress; onto 584512c # Last commands done (2commands done): ...
对于已经在版本库中,但是被修改过,且修改尚未通过git add命令添加到暂存区的文件,Git会提示Changes not staged for commit 对于刚创建的、尚未添加到暂存区中的文件,Git会提示Untracked files 对于已经被添加到暂存区,尚未提交到版本库中的文件,Git会提示Changes to be committed ...
gitcommit -m "first commit" Current state of the repository / 儲存庫的當前狀態 gitstatus Create a new branch / 建立一個新分支 gitbranch [branchName] List all remote or local branches / 列出所有遠端或本地分支 gitbranch -a Delete a branch / 刪除分支 ...
1pick2275781should find methodfromparent2pick 223fc80 unit testcase3pick 9ac1179 update testcase45# Rebase 79db0bd..9ac1179 onto 79db0bd (3commands)6#7# Commands:8# p, pick =use commit9# r, reword =use commit, but edit the commit message10# e, edit = use commit, but stopfor...
If you want to be more specific about which commands are colored and how, Git provides verb-specific coloring settings. Each of these can be set totrue,false, oralways: color.branch color.diff color.interactive color.status In addition, each of these has subsettings you can use to set spe...