# x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell # d, drop = remove commit # # These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom. # # If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST. # # However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be...
# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message 使用提交,但编辑提交的日志消息 # e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending 使用提交,但停下来修改(就是要修改提交的内容) # s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit 使用提交,但融入此前的提交(就是与在此之前一个提交...
$ git commit-m'第一次版本提交'[master(root-commit)d32cf1f]第一次版本提交2files changed,4insertions(+)create mode100644README create mode100644hello.php 现在我们已经记录了快照。如果我们再执行 git status: $ git status# On branch masternothing to commit(working directory clean) 以上输出说明我们...
/bin/shbasepath=$(cd`dirname $0`;pwd)command-v git-lfs>/dev/null2>&1||{echo>&2"\nThis repository is configured for Git LFS but 'git-lfs' was not found on your path. If you no longer wish to use Git LFS, remove this hook by deleting .git/hooks/pre-push.\n";exit2;}git l...
# Make some changes to the file echo "This is a change" > test01 echo "and this is another change" > test02 # Check the changes via the diff command git diff # Commit the changes, -a will commit changes for modified files
# Last command done (1 command done): # reword b85a51a 测试 # Next commands to do (2 remaining commands): # reword ee110b7 sdfasd # pick c196127 hellow # You are currently editing a commit while rebasing branch 'master' on '1798320'. ...
You will have to resolve any such merge failure and rungit rebase --continue. Another option is to bypass the commit that caused the merge failure withgit rebase --skip. To check out the original<branch>and remove the.git/rebase-applyworking files, use the commandgit rebase --abortinstead...
gc"formanual housekeeping.error:The last gc run reported the following.Please correct the root cause and remove.git/gc.log.Automatic cleanup will not be performed until the file is removed.warning:There are too many unreachable loose objects;run'git prune'to remove them.gc--auto:command ...
These changes are equivalent to what you would see when you enter the git status command in the command line:Unmodified files: These files haven't changed since your last commit. Modified files: These files have changes since your last commit, but you haven't yet staged them for the next ...
# x, exec <command> = run command (the rest of the line) using shell # b, break = stop here (continue rebase later with 'git rebase --continue') # d, drop <commit> = remove commit # l, label <label> = label current HEAD with a name ...