远程先开好分支然后拉到本地 gitcheckout -bfeature-branch origin/feature-branch//检出远程的feature-branch分支到本地 本地先开好分支然后推送到远程 $ git checkout -bfeature-branch//创建并切换到分支feature-branch$ gitpushorigin feature-branch:feature-branch//推送本地的feature-branch(冒号前面的)分支到...
git stash将未提交的改动保存在本地,让你可以进行修改、切换分支以及其他 Git 操作。(需要的时候,你可以重新应用这些存储的改动。)暂存是本地范围的,不会被git push推送到远程。 如果还未对代码进行commit,那么就将本地代码先存到暂存区stash中,然后进行pull。
Create a new branch: `git checkout -b feature_branch_name` Edit, add and commit your files. Push your branch to the remote repository: `git push -u origin feature_branch_name` refers:Push a new local branch to a remote Git repository and track it too...
1、添加到本地仓库 git add . 2、添加提交描述 git commit -m '提交' 3、提交前先从远程仓库主分支中拉取请求 gitpull origin master 4、把本地仓库代码提交 git push -u origin master 至此,就完成了!
息。git push:将本地仓库中的改动推送到远程仓库。git pull:从远程仓库拉取最新的改动到本地。git branch:查 看所有分支。git checkout [branch]:切换到指定的分支。git merge [branch]:将指定分支合并到当 前分支。git rebase [branch]:将当前分支的改动移到指定分支上。git tag:查看所有的标签。git log:查...
git push origin --delete 分支名,删除远程分支 git push origin :分支名,删除远程分支,同上 git branch -m old_branch new_branch,本地分支更名 代码回退 看上面的几个区域的图基本就能明白 "git reset HEAD" 或者"git reset HEAD <file>"命令,暂存区的目录树或文件会被重写,被 master 分支指向的目录树或...
PS:如果出现git push错误,提示The requested URL returned error : 403 Forbidden while accessing.你可以输入用户名密码或者远程地址采用这种类型(vi.git/config) 将[remote "orgin"] url=https://github.com/用户名/仓库名.git 改为[remote "orgin"] url=https://github.com/用户名:密码@github.com/用户名...
Git常用的是以下6个命令:git clone、git push、git add、git commit、git checkout、git pull,后面...
git rebase didn't seem to work for me. After git rebase, when I try to push changes to my local branch, I kept getting an error ("hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull ......
git branch daily/0.0.0 创建一个名为daily/0.0.0的日常开发分支,分支名只要不包括特殊字符即可。...