Git comes with built-in GUI tools (git-gui, gitk), but there are several third-party tools for users looking for a platform-specific experience. View GUI Clients → Logos Various Git logos in PNG (bitmap) and EPS (vector) formats are available for use in online and print projects. ...
git checkout HEAD^ myfile git add -A git commit --amend 这将非常有用,当你有一个开放的补丁(open patch),你往上面提交了一个不必要的文件,你需要强推(force push)去更新这个远程补丁。 我想删除我的的最后一次提交(commit) 如果你需要删除推了的提交(pushed commits),你可以使用下面的方法。可是,这会不...
* A fetch that is told to recursively fetch updates in submodules inevitably produces reams of output, and it becomes hard to spot error messages. The command has been taught to enumerate submodules that had errors at the end of the operation. (merge 0222540827 es/fetch-show-failed-submodule...
Update Dockerfile 19天前 bin fzf-preview.sh: Use kitten icat on ghostty (#4232) 12天前 doc [vim] Add 'exit' callback 6个月前 man/man1 0.60.0 9天前 plugin Option to prioritize file name matches (#4192) 29天前 shell [fish] Unescape query from commandline (#4236) ...
$ git checkoutHEAD^myfile $ git add-A$ git commit--amend 这将非常有用,当你有一个开放的补丁(open patch),你往上面提交了一个不必要的文件,你需要强推(force push)去更新这个远程补丁。 我想删除我的的最后一次提交(commit) 如果你需要删除推了的提交(pushed commits),你可以使用下面的方法。可是,这会...
找到…or create a new repository on the command line找到 git remote add origin https://github.com/clarifyC/GitHub_test_git.git 在Git Bash中输入这段命令,将本地仓库与GitHub仓库连接。 其中https://github.com/clarifyC/GitHub_test_git.git是GitHub仓库的远程地址,origin是本地的 Git为这个远程仓库起...
then the command git rebase --onto topicA~5 topicA~3 topicA would result in the removal of commits F and G: E---H'---I'---J' topicA This is useful if F and G were flawed in some way, or should not be part of topicA. Note that the argument to--ontoand the<upstream>para...
To build GitUp yourself, simply run the commandgit clone --recursive https://github.com/git-up/GitUp.gitin Terminal, then open theGitUp/GitUp.xcodeprojXcode project and hit Run. IMPORTANT:If you do not have an Apple ID with a developer account for code signing Mac apps, the build wil...
git mvfilename git commit -m“Moved filename” 通过解决方案资源管理器、命令行或任何其他方式将文件从存储库中的一个位置移动到另一个位置。 在团队资源管理器的“更改”视图中右键单击已移动的文件,然后选择“暂存”。 选择“提交已暂存的文件”以提交移动。