請記住,每個命令也隨附其「專屬」說明頁面。 您可以輸入 git <command> --help 來尋找這些說明頁面。 例如,git commit --help 會顯示一個頁面,告知您有關 git commit 命令及其使用方式的詳細資訊。下一單元: 知識檢查 上一個 下一步 是否需要協助? 請參閱我們的疑難排解指南,或透過回報問題提供具體的意見...
可以通过键入git <command> --help找到这些帮助页。 例如,git commit --help会调出一个页面,其中包含有关git commit命令及其使用方法的详细信息。
$ git commit-m'第一次版本提交'[master(root-commit)d32cf1f]第一次版本提交2files changed,4insertions(+)create mode100644README create mode100644hello.php 现在我们已经记录了快照。如果我们再执行 git status: $ git status# On branch masternothing to commit(working directory clean) 以上输出说明我们...
$ git checkout [commit] [file] # 恢复暂存区的所有文件到工作区 $ git checkout . # 重置暂存区的指定文件,与上一次commit保持一致,但工作区不变 $ git reset [file] # 重置暂存区与工作区,与上一次commit保持一致 $ git reset --hard # 重置当前分支的指针为指定commit,同时重置暂存区,但工作区不变...
删除工作空间改动代码,撤销commit,并且撤销git add . 补充:如果该仓库到目前为止只有commit过一次代码,则会报错: $ git reset HEAD^ fatal: ambiguous argument'HEAD^': unknown revision or path notinthe working tree. Use'--'to separate paths from revisions, like this:'git <command> [<revision>......
The index implements its own self-contained file system, giving it the ability to store references to folders and files along with metadata about them. How and when Git updates this in-dex depends on the kind of Git command issued and the command options specified (if you’re so inclined,...
找到…or create a new repository on the command line找到 git remote add origin https://github.com/clarifyC/GitHub_test_git.git 在Git Bash中输入这段命令,将本地仓库与GitHub仓库连接。 其中https://github.com/clarifyC/GitHub_test_git.git是GitHub仓库的远程地址,origin是本地的 Git为这个远程仓库起...
The git push command is used to transfer or push the commit, which is made on a local branch in your computer to a remote repository like GitHub. The command used for pushing to GitHub is given below. git push 'remote_name' 'branch_name' In this tutorial, you'll be looking two diffe...
4. 提交文件 ,git commit 5. 克隆仓库,git clone 6. 当前提交状态,git status 7. git diff,比较差异 8. 回退版本,git reset 9.删除文件,git rm 10. 移动目录、文件,git mv 11.查看提交历史git log、git blame 12. git show 13. git reflog 14 git gc 15. git ls-files 12. 撤销文件 git re...
After you install Git, you need to set some configuration settings. With everycommitthat you make (a commit is storing files in the Git system), your username and email are stored in Git as well. Therefore, you need to configure them. You can execute the commands with aCommand Promptwindo...