1.git branch 分支的增删查改都靠它 git branch <branchName>//创建一个分支git branch -d <branchName>//删除一个分支git branch -v//显示所有分支信息 2.git checkout git checkout <branchName>//通过移动HEAD检出版本,可用于切换分支git checkout -b <branchName>//创件一个分支并切换git checkout <...
Git 实用命令(git command) 1.远程仓库相关命令 检出仓库: $ git clone git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git 查看远程仓库: $ git remote -v 添加远程仓库: $ git remote add [name][url] 删除远
You can also specify the -b option on thecheckoutcommand. This creates the branch and checkout in one command. git checkout -b <branchname> Let's have a look at a visual example. Three changes have been committed to the Git system on the main branch. The main branch is the currently...
show [commit]# 显示某次提交发生变化的文件$ git show --name-only [commit]# 显示某次提交时,某个文件的内容$ git show [commit]:[filename]# 显示当前分支的最近几次提交$ git reflog# 查看远程分支$ git br -r# 创建新的分支$ git br<new_branch># 查看各个分支最后提交信息$ git br -v# 查看...
git checkout [local branch] 删除分支 //删除本地分支,要求本地分支已经merge到upstream或者HEADgit branch-d[branch-name]//强制删除本地分支,不管你merge没有git branch-D[branch-name]//删除远程分支git push origin:[remote-branch-name] PS. 删除分支可以参考男男的git 删除分支 ...
git checkout -b <new branch name> 本地分支与远端分支建立联系: 远程还没有分支: git push -u <local branch name> //在远端创建新分支,并关联本地 远程有分支: git branch -u origin/<server branch name> <local branch name> 删除分支: ...
创建分支:git branch <name> 切换分支:git switch <name>或者git checkout <name> 创建+切换分支:git switch -c <name>或者git checkout -b <name> 合并某分支到当前分支:在 master 分支上执行git merge dev是将 dev 分支合并到 master 分支 删除分支:git branch -d <name> ...
The first step is to checkout to the local branch which you want to rename with thegit checkout <old_name>command. Next, rename the local branch with thegit branch -m <new_name>command, where new_name refers to the name you want to assign. ...
git checkout -b new-feature 执行后,你就会切换到new-feature分支,并且可以在这个分支上进行代码开发了。 当一个分支的任务完成,不再需要时,可以使用git branch -d <分支名>命令删除本地分支 。例如: git branch -d new-feature 需要注意的是,如果该分支还有未合并的改动,-d选项会提示错误,无法删除。如果要...
then created a branch, pushed to my fork git checkout -b new_feature git add [files] git commit -m [message] git push fork new_feature and created a merge request frommy_user_name/project:new_featureintoother_user_name/project:master. The merge request had seen some discussion a...