1. js- 实现属性名的拼接 obj['name'](3327) 2. js- for in 循环 只有一个目的,遍历 对象,通过对象属性的个数 控制循环圈数(532) 3. js - 圣杯模式(482) 4. js- 判断属性是否 属于该对象 hasOwnProperty()(401) 5. 节点的类型(383) Copyright © 2024 呼吸之间 Powered by .NET 9.0 ...
(my-branch)$ git checkout main Switched to branch 'main' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/main'. (main)$ git branch -D my-branch Deleted branch my-branch (was 4e3cd85). (main)$ echo oh noes, deleted my branch! oh noes, deleted my branch! 在这时候你应该想起了reflog, ...
git branch <branchname>When you execute the branch command, it (by default) uses the pointer of the current branch and create a new branch that points to the same commit as the current branch. The branch command doesn't automatically change the current branch to the new branch. Therefore,...
$ git add readme.md LICENSE $ git status On branch master Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage) new file: LICENSE modified: readme.md现在,暂存区的状态就变成这样了:git-stage所以,git add命令实际上就是把要提交的所有修改放到暂存区(Stage),然后,执行...
$ git checkout -b newBranchName remote_branch_name 拉取远程分支remote_branch_name创建一个本地分支newBranchName,并切到本地分支newBranchName,采用此种方法建立的本地分支会和远程分支建立映射关系。 git checkout 回退修改 git checkout -- fileName 这条命令把fileName从当前HEAD中检出,也就是回退当前工作...
the name of your current branch.Topush to the upstream branch on the remote,use git push origin HEAD:my_new_test_branchTopush to the branch of the same name on the remote,use git push origin testTochoose either option permanently,see push.defaultin'git help config'. ...
To confirm the SHA-1 values for cached tree objects under the root tree, run this command: XML Copy git ls-tree -r -d master This displays only the tree objects, recursively on the current branch: XML Copy 040000 tree c7c367f2d5688dddc25e59525cc6b8efd0df914d MSDNConsoleApp 040000...
GitBranchStats interfaceReference Feedback Package: azure-devops-extension-api Ahead and behind counts for a particular ref.Properties展開資料表 aheadCount Number of commits ahead. behindCount Number of commits behind. commit Current commit. isBaseVersion True if this is the result for the base ...
I can ask Git what it knows about my working directory with the git “status” command. All git commands start by addressing git, so type: XML git status It responds with the message: XML On branch dev nothing to commit, working directory clean ...
You can now move to step 8, but there is a need for a local repository update with the upstream repository. Alternatively, you can do git pull-request in the command line and complete the PULL Request to GitHub, where it will force you to push your current branch to a remote repositor...