: append description of the pull command 99daed2 HEAD@{1}: commit: append description of the commit command 48eec1d HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from main to issue1 326fc9f HEAD@{3}: commit: append description of the add command 48eec1d HEAD@{4}: commit (initial): first commit...
Log command produces the commit history in reverse chronological order. These commit histories are of the repository and a single repository may contain many files. Log command provides an option to view the commit history of a particular file. This option is <filename>. A specifier maybe. To ...
# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message # e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending # s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit # f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message # x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) ...
abc1234Commit1def5678Commit2ghi9012Commit3 切换到 Commit 2(处于分离头指针状态): git checkout def5678 重置到 Commit 2,保留更改到暂存区: git reset--soft def5678 重置到 Commit 2,取消暂存区更改: git reset--mixed def5678 重置到 Commit 2,丢弃所有更改: git reset--hard def5678 撤销Commit 2: ...
edit <commit> = use commit, but stop for amending # s, squash <commit> = use commit, but meld into previous commit # f, fixup <commit> = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message # x, exec <command> = run command (the rest of the line) using shell # b, break ...
在stackoverflow上面查到的清楚之前混乱commit history的方案: 检出master git checkout --orphan ddmichael_branch 2. 暂存全部文件 git add -A 3. 提交刚刚暂存的所有文件 git commit -am "commit message" 4. 删除主线 git branch -D master 5. 将目前这个ddmichael_branch重命名为master主线 git branch -...
1.使用Local History-->Show History查看commit的记录 (1)选择项目右键。 查看commit记录 (2)查看commit记录。 commit记录窗口 2.使用Git-->Show History查看commit的记录 (1)选择项目右键。 Show History菜单 (2)打开commit记录面板。 commit记录面板
git rebase是对commit history的改写。当你要改写的commit history还没有被提交到远程repo的时候,也就是说,还没有与他人共享之前,commit history是你私人所有的,那么想怎么改写都可以。 而一旦被提交到远程后,这时如果再改写history,那么势必和他人的history长的就不一样了。git push的时候,git会比较commit history,...
After you have created several commits, or if you have cloned a repository with an existing commit history, you’ll probably want to look back to see what has happened. The most basic and powerful tool to do this is thegit logcommand. ...
Change the commit message, and exit the editor. Then, run: $ git rebase --continue This command will apply the other two commits automatically, and then you’re done. If you changepicktoediton more lines, you can repeat these steps for each commit you change toedit. Each time, Git will...