在ubuntu上配置了gitLab,在custom_hooks自定义钩子中,post-receive中,对应GitLab中的私库,clone等都需要验证(http方式需要输入用户名和密码,SSH的方式这里先不讨论) ,出现了could not read Username for 'ip地址':No such device or address 原因 .git目录下的config文件中没有用户身份信息 解决方法: 在请求串中...
error: unable to read askpass response from 'C:\Users\霍亚龙\AppData\Local\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2021.2\tmp\intellij-git-askpass-local.sh' bash: /dev/tty: No such device or address error: failed to execute prompt script (exit code 1) fatal: could not read Username for 'http://gitlab.xx...
When given a two-part <name> as <section>.<key>, the value for <section>.<URL>.<key> whose <URL> part matches the best to the given URL is returned (if no such key exists, the value for <section>.<key> is used as a fallback). When given just the <section> as name, do ...
fatal: could not read Username for 'https://gitlab.com': No such device or address fatal: clone of 'https://gitlab.com/libre-knowledge/continuous-integration.git' into submodule path '/builds/libre-knowledge/libre-knowledge/持續整合 Continuous Integration(CI)' failed Failed to clone '持續整合...
gitclonehttps://github.com/Azure-Samples/nodejs-docs-hello-world.git 準備您的存放庫 若要從 Azure App Service 組建伺服器取得自動化組建,請確定存放庫根目錄具有專案中的正確檔案。 執行階段根目錄檔案 ASP.NET (僅限 Windows)*.sln、*.csproj或default.aspx ...
git clone https://github.com/git/git You can also always browse the current contents of the git repository using the web interface. About this site Patches, suggestions, and comments are welcome. Git is a member of Software Freedom Conservancy ...
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, ...
From planning to production, bring teams together in one application. Ship secure code more efficiently to deliver value faster.
Configure a Git user on your on-premises device. Specify a username for the Git user. git config --global user.name "testname" Specify an email address for the Git user. git config --global user.email "abc@example.com" Clone the project to an on-premises directory. Enter git...
CloneOperationCommonResponse CloneOperationInformation CloneOperationState CloneOptions CloneStatistics CloneTestCaseOperationInformation CloneTestCaseOptions CloneTestCaseParams CloneTestPlanOperationInformation CloneTestPlanParams CloneTestSuiteOperationInformation CloneTestSuiteParams CodeChangeTrendItem CodeCoverageData Cod...