colliding group is in the working tree: <忽略...> 解决方法1:windows上打开WSL,在linux模式下对该文件夹打开case insensitive模式,太复杂不好搞,弃之... 解决方法2:在git下直接用git update-index --assume-unchanged xxxx命令强制忽略,但可能切换branch的时候又会出现该问题,需要重新一个一个文件忽略,试着...
I have git installed for windows. git clone works in git bash. It does not work in WSL. $ git clone Cloning into 'indic-punct'... fatal: unable to access '
git clone 但真实语句其实是这样的: git clone ^? 链接前面多了符号,协议变成了^https,肯定不能克隆成功,提示协议不支持。 解决 删除https前的空格,手动输入空格...
I am working from home and am trying to clone a repo from Github and am getting the following error: git clone Also tried git clone git:// Error: Failed connect to; No error while accessing https://github.c...
git clone 时报fatal protocol 'https' is not supported 在GitHub上复制完仓库地址之后,回到git-bash客户端时,Windows用户的固有习惯就是ctrl+v,但是在Linux系统中不是这样粘贴的,发现这样不能粘贴后,会再使用鼠标右键,然后选择“paste”的方式粘贴,回车,就会出现这样的报错信息。因为再Linux系统中ctrl+v操作会给系...
too long. That is still related to the length of the path you're trying to clone. However, the ssh-keygen bug and couple others in strider plugins have been fixed, but they haven't updated strider to use the new code yet. For now, to get strider working fully on Windows, modify you...
1、在windows安装git,并进行简单的配置。(win10 64bit + git 2.10.1) 2、使用git在aliyun Kelude上创建一个代码库。(需要您事先注册阿里云账户并开通阿里云code服务) 3、将本地库连接到aliyun Kelude远程库。 4、增删改查版本库中的资源。 1 准备工作 ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于git clone命令安装的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及git clone命令安装问答内容。更多git clone命令安装相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
如果你使用Windows系统,为了避免遇到各种莫名其妙的问题,请确保目录名(包括父目录)不包含中文。 第二步,通过git init命令把这个目录变成Git可以管理的仓库: $ gitinitInitialized empty Git repositoryin/git/gitTest/.git/ 这样的话会在仓库的目录内生成一个.git的文件,默认隐藏,在一些特殊的编辑器内可以显示,里面...
in git bash, I was gettingThe agent has no identities.but when I run the same command on Windows CMD I get all my SSH keys? So, after adding my ssh key in git bash I was able to clone my repository. So, why is it only on git bash I can do this and not on the c...