error:inflate:data stream error(incorrect data check) fatal:serrious inflate inconsistency fatal:index-pack failed 经了解,此问题是遗留问题,之前是因为公司对gitlab服务器进行数据迁移而引起这种git clone失败的原因,现象非常奇怪,大部分project是可以clone的,小部分不行,有一些人clone没问题的,有些人就是不行,...
git clone因为项目过大失败 错误信息如下: error: inflate: data stream error (incorrect data check)MiB/s fatal: pack has bad object at offset 10095259: inflate returned -3 fatal: index-pack failed 解决办法: 首先深度clone项目,只会clone最近提交的分支,体积很小,但只有主分支,其他分支需要另外下载 $ ...
Recently I was working on an issue where the Git clone operation failed in a customer environment and while troubleshooting the Git Push operation also failed for a few users blocking Tfs operations Completely.Error:Git Clone Fails with inflate: data stream error (incorrect header ...
error: inflate: data stream error (invalid distance too far back) fatal: 包中有错误的对象位于 4110385:解压缩返回 -3 error: Unable to find 2b816b58b9e16e3a4ebf11d664b91409b55db869 under Cannot obtain needed blob ...
错误信息如下: error: inflate: data stream error (incorrect data check) MiB/s fatal: pack has bad object at offset 173537089: inflate returned -3 fatal: index-pack failed 好像是数据流错误,但是google了好久没有解决。请问这种问题有办法解决吗?能强制clone一份吗?git...
Recently somehow our git got corrupted and we couldn’t push our code to server and got an error as, “error: inflate: data stream error (invalid distance code)” and “error: corrupt loose object” $ git push origin master Enumerating objects: 227, done. ...
默认情况下 git clone 会克隆整个仓库的所有分支。 查看所有分支 git branch -a 第一次切换某个...
My team and I have a private repository hosted on GitLab. We have had some issues with it lately, and after some testing and hacking, we ended up realising we seem not to be able to clone from origin on Windows, but we can on Ubuntu. I h...
我不小心用shift+delete删除了包括.git文件夹在内的所有文件。我设法用数据恢复软件恢复了它们。但是,该目录无法工作。错误消息如下:$ git fsck --fullerror: inflate: data stream error (unknown compression method)error: unable to unpack header of .git/objects/01
using SHA-256 based storage on public-facing Git servers is strongly discouraged. Once Git protocol gains SHA-256 support, SHA-256 based servers are likely not to support SHA-1 compatibility, to avoid what may be a very expensive hash re-encode during clone and to encourage peers to moderniz...