1 直接clone如果知道对应的git repo 的直接,可以直接使用clone命令git clone git@github.com:torvalds/linux.gitgit clone https://github.com/torvalds/linux.git都可以。可以选个小的repo做实验。git@github.com:torvalds/test-tlb.git 2 使用新的目录clone在最后加上目标的目录即可git clone git@github.com:to...
git clone https://github.com/w3schools-test/w3schools-test.github.io.git Cloning into 'w3schools-test.github.io'... remote: Enumerating objects: 33, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (33/33), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done. remote: Total 33 (delta 18), ...
separate git dir from working tree -c, --config <key=value> set config inside the new repository 参数挺多,但常用的就几个: 1. 最简单直接的命令 git clone xxx.git 2. 如果想clone到指定目录 git clone xxx.git "指定目录" 3. clone时创建新的分支替代默认Origin HEAD(master) git clone -b [n...
submodule add <url> <path> # 添加子模块 git commit -m "添加子模块" git clone --recursive # 克隆包含子模块 git submodule foreach git pull origin master # 拉取子模块 git submodule update --init --recursive # 更新子模块 # 删除子模块 git submodule deinit -f <path> git rm -f <path>...
usage: git clone [options] [--] <repo> []-v, --verbose be more verbose-q, --quiet be more quiet--progress force progress reporting-n, --no-checkout don't create a checkout--bare create a bare repository--mirror create a mirror repository (implies bare)-l, --local to clonefrom...
比如:git clone git@github.com:christian-tl/git-demo.git 或git init git-demo 后 ,生成的这个 git-demo 目录就是项目目录。 在项目目录下有一个Git目录,除了Git目录之外的都是工作目录 Git目录 'Git目录'是项目存储所有历史和元信息的目录 - 包括所有的对象(commits,trees,blobs,tags). ...
git clonecommand is the first step when you want to clone a remote repository or branch from github or bitbucket. Syntax is: git clone [--template=<template_directory>] [-l] [-s] [--no-hardlinks] [-q] [-n] [--bare] [--mirror] ...
git fetch/clone = remote repository => local repository git diff = 比较暂存区和工作区的差异 git blame <file> 以列表形式查看指定文件的历史修改记录 git branch -vv 查看当前详细分支信息(可看到当前分支与对应的远程追踪分支): git remote -vv 查看当前远程仓库信息 ...
If you’re using a URL to clone over HTTPS with GitKraken Client, you simply provide the remote URL when prompted to do so. Here, you will also set the local path to clone and the local repository directory name. GitKraken Client offers integrations for the following remote repository hosting...
git clone --bare Similar togit init--bare,when the-bareargument is passed togitclone,a copy of the remote repository will be made with an omitted working directory. This means that a repository will be set up with the history of the project that can be pushed and pulled from, but canno...