下载TortoiseGit TortoiseGit客户端下载地址:https://tortoisegit.org/download TortoiseGit客户端要下载两个,一个是安装程序,一个是中文语言包 上述下载完成后,你会得到以下这三个文件 如果上述三个文件下载过慢的话,可以直接下载我这里打包好的:http://down.whsir.com/downloads/gitclient.rar 安装顺序: 1、Git-...
下载TortoiseGit TortoiseGit客户端下载地址:https://tortoisegit.org/download TortoiseGit客户端要下载两个,一个是安装程序,一个是中文语言包 上述下载完成后,你会得到以下这三个文件 如果上述三个文件下载过慢的话,可以直接下载我这里打包好的:http://down.whsir.com/downloads/gitclient.rar 安装顺序: 1、Git-...
Download the free Git client for Windows, Mac & Linux! GitKraken Desktop is free for use with public repositories. Join leading companies like Google, Microsoft & more!
前言:在Linux下直接可以通过命令可以安装使用Git,Windows下可以通过Git bash来使用。 1.下载:以下下载地址均可以https://git-scm.com/downloads https://gitforwindows.org/ 2.安装 双击打开,每一步直接下一步next默认即可。 选择安装路径 默认第二项,会自动配置环境变量 ...
git windows下载安装 (git命令) Set up git At the heart of GitHub is an open source version control system (VCS) called Git. Git is responsible for everything GitHub-related that happens locally on your computer. Github的核心是一个开源版的控制系统叫做git。Git负责与GitHub相关的所有本地工作。(...
2.48.1 Release Notes (2025-01-13) Download for Windows GUI Clients Git comes with built-in GUI tools (git-gui, gitk), but there are several third-party tools for users looking for a platform-specific experience. View GUI Clients → Logos Various Git logos in PNG (bitmap) and EPS ...
Client 1: Ubuntu 16.02 64 bit, Git 2.13 and Git-LFS 2.2.1 (both 64-bit) Client 2: Windows 64 bit (2012), Git 2.13 and Git-LFS 2.2.1 (both 64-bit) Create a repository on the server with LFS support enabled Clone the repository (git clone ssh://git@server:7999/tst/test-git.gi...