各项全选: 选第三项使用unix命令:run git and included unix tools from windows command prompt 选第一项:检出CRLF->LF, 检入LF->CRLF 安装git for windows好,可使用C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin目录下命令工具: antiword.exe astextplain awk basename.exe bash.exe bison.exe bunzip2 bzip2.exe c_reha...
Over 100,000 developers and designers are more productive with Tower - the most powerful Git client for Mac and Windows.
Latest release notes: Mac OS X & Windows A free Git client for Windows and Mac Sourcetree simplifies how you interact with your Git repositories so you can focus on coding. Visualize and manage your repositories through Sourcetree's simple Git GUI.Simple...
Download Fork for Windows Windows 7+ $59.99, free evaluation PrevNext Commit List - Working Directory Changes - Side by Side Diff - Repository Manager Summary and Statistics Merge Conflicts Resolve your merge-conflicts easily using the merge-conflict helper and built-in merge-conflict resolver. ...
Over 100,000 developers and designers are more productive with Tower - the most powerful Git client for Mac and Windows.
windows-Git-致敬Linus 一、Git简介 集中式VS分布式: 先说集中式版本控制系统,版本库是集中存放在中央服务器的,而干活的时候,用的都是自己的电脑,所以要先从中央服务器取得最新的版本,然后开始干活,干完活把自己的活推送给中央服务器。中央服务器就好比是一个图书馆,你要改一本书,必须先从图书馆借出来,然后回到...
比如想查看 Update client ui 这个提交记录的时候,public/index.html是什么内容。 查看一个文件的历史版本,细节改变或者文件的所有内容 文件历史版本 通过点击 File Tree 按钮,选择一个文件,右键可以看到 Show FIle History ,也是很方便的查看文件的历史。
Today is the day: we are publicly launching version 1 of Tower for Windows! It took us many years of hard work and over 216,000 lines of native C# code - but we're proud to release a beautiful, user-friendly, and powerful desktop client for Git.
Download the free Git client for Windows, Mac & Linux! GitKraken Desktop is free for use with public repositories. Join leading companies like Google, Microsoft & more!
A free Git client for Windows and Mac Sourcetree simplifies how you interact with your Git repositories so you can focus on coding. Visualize and manage your repositories through Sourcetree's simple Git GUI. Simple for beginners Say goodbye to the command line - simplify distributed version ...