It's exactly what it says: the changes you're trying to cherry-pick are already wholly contained in the branch you're on. I.e. the result of the cherry-pick is no changes. You can create an empty commit with the--allow-emptyflag to indicate that you attempted to cherry-pick, but ...
Git cherry-pick is a powerful and versatile tool that allows to selectively apply specific commits from one branch to another. However, make sure to use cherry-picking with caution and ensure that the changes you apply are appropriate in the context of the project to avoid conflicts and code ...
使用git merge 命令而不是 git cherry-pick 来将目标分支的内容合并到当前分支。这将确保您的合并操作不会产生重复提交。 如果您的目标分支已经包含您刚刚 cherry-pick 的提交,那么您可能需要使用 git revert 命令来创建一个新的提交,以撤销该提交并恢复您的更改。 最后,使用 git push 命令将您的更改推送到远程仓库。
It's exactly what it says: the changes you're trying to cherry-pick are already wholly contained in the branch you're on. I.e. the result of the cherry-pick is no changes. You can create an empty commit with the--allow-emptyflag to indicate that you attempted to cherry-pick, but ...
git fetch <remote-git-url> <branch> && git cherry-pick SHA1 For example: git fetch git cherry-pick 20258def3280b4ccba286c4a021140c66292ebc0 over 1 year ago · isric Simple & great over 1 year ago · ...
这会得到tools/my-tool中对master的提交列表(还没有在featureA中),按时间倒序排列:... 经常被问到如何从一个分支合并特定的commits到另一个分支。有时候你需要这样做,只合并你需要的那些commits,不需要的commits就不合并进去了。
In a previous tutorial, we took a look at how to cherry-pick a commit on the current branch, but one of the ancillary questions that commonly arises is how to perform a git cherry-pick from another ...
3. You get another conflict. Run ‘git mergetool’ to merge and ‘git cherry-pick --continue’. Do the same for comment editor. 4. Run ‘git log --oneline --graph --all’ to see the history. Master branch has two new commits from dev branch. If you don’t need these commits in...
要回答最初的问题,即如何选择一些目录(作为提交而不是强力 checkout ),这是可能的。假设featureA与...