1)blob 这种类型对象是用来存储文件数据,GIT中表现为一个HASH值,如下图所示: 在以前GIT版本中会有一个单独的目录保存这些文件生成的HASH值通常是.git/objects/fc现在不在有这个fc目录,直接取生成的HASH的前两个值作目录。如下所示,注意在未提交之前,目录是不诞生对象。 [root@wrlinux3 mygit]# git add . [...
(main)$ git checkout --track origin/daves Branch daves set up to track remote branch daves from origin. Switched to a new branch 'daves' (--track是git checkout -b [branch] [remotename]/[branch]的简写) 这样就得到了一个daves分支的本地拷贝, 任何推过(pushed)的更新,远程都能看到. Rebasin...
$ git checkout master# 新建并切换到新建的分支$ git checkout -b [分支] $ git checkout -b feature_x# 删除分支,若没有有未被合并的内容,则无法删除# 不能删除当前所在的分支,如要删除需切换分支$ git branch -d [分支]# 强制删除分支$ git branch -D [分支]# 删除远程分支 origin为配置的远程仓...
[root@wrlinux3 mygit]# git checkout testing Switched to branch 'testing' [root@wrlinux3 mygit]# cat .git/HEAD ref: refs/heads/testing [root@wrlinux3 mygit]# 这时HEAD指针指向Testing分支了。 因为在GIT中创建和删除分支基本上不需要耗费计算机资源,因为分支在GIT表示的就是一个指向版本的指针(这...
$ git checkout dev $ git rebase master 1. 2. 执行结果为: 请注意,结果中的v4和v5提交已经被改写了。 3.2 推荐先更新后提交 如果你事先知道会发生冲突,相信你一定不会选择先提交代码,但是冲突是不可避免的,这就要求我们平时养成良好的开发习惯。与其解决提交后的冲突,不如尽早地解决冲突然后提交,这样不仅可...
正如你所见,我们有一个来自删除分支的提交hash(commit hash),接下来看看是否能恢复删除了的分支。 (main)$ git checkout -b my-branch-help Switched to a new branch 'my-branch-help' (my-branch-help)$ git reset --hard 4e3cd85 HEAD is now at 4e3cd85 foo.txt added ...
git checkout -b (create and switch branches in one command) git branch -d git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all (see all branches at once) git merge (combines changes on different branches) Handle Merge Conflicting 这篇笔记总结了非常常用的git命令(大部分来源于Udacity上课程的总结)。划...
to check out my requested branch and only that branch, though if it wants to log changes, that's fine. I'm not sure why but when using the Jenkins plug in for Git it takes a simple git clone or checkout and turns it into many statements, and in my case, about half are...
This command will return the hash of the commit that deleted the file. Next, checkout the file from a commit before this one, referring to it using the caret (^) character: git checkout <deleting_commit>^ -- path/to/folder Also, see How do I find and restore a deleted file in ...