gitconfigcore.sparsecheckouttrue 2.3 再编辑主文件夹的git配置,设置需要忽略的文件即可,下面标识要忽略Chromium和ChromiumRes文件夹目录下的文件 *!Chromium/**!ChromiumRes/** 2.4 最后再同步更新远程git文件即可。 参考:
git checkout 切换分支操作报错: unable to create .../.git/index.lock:File is exists... 解决方案:进入对应项目的.git目录,删掉 index.lock 文件 index.lock 文件的作用是防止多个进程同时修改索引(index),从而避免数据损坏。相当于一个锁定的标志文件,正常情况下git操作会自动处理index.lock文件...
Working directory was [<job working directory>]., stderr: error: unable to create file <filename>: Filename too long error: unable to create file Cause According to the msysgit wiki on GitHub and the related fix this error, Filename too long, comes from a ...
4. “error: Your local changes would be lost by checkout” :这个错误通常表示你在切换分支之前有一些未被提交的改动会被丢失。如果你确定你不再需要这些改动,可以使用`git checkout -f branch-name`命令来强制切换分支,但是请注意这种操作会导致未提交的改动丢失。 5. “error: unable to create file direc...
Git checkouts fail on Windows with “Filename too long error: unable to create file” Cause According to themsysgit wikion GitHub andthe related fixthis error,Filename too long, comes from a Windows API limitation of file paths having 260 characters or fewer....
-NO.1 执行git add文件时,出现如下错误 If no other git process is currently running, this probab...
3. “error: unable to create file ‘path/to/file’: Permission denied”:这个错误意味着你没有足够的权限在指定的路径下创建文件。请确保你有足够的权限,并且没有其他程序正在占用该文件。 4. “fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories”:这个错误通常在合并两个没有共同历史记录的分支时出现。你可以使...
Unable to create 'E:/xxx/.git/index.lock': File exists. 解决方案: 在. git 同级目录, 执行 rm -f .git/index.lock 将文件删除即可提交成功 Windows 环境下更新 PAT 开始菜单-搜索凭据管理器, 到里面把 Github 相关的账号删掉, 下次使用 git 的之后就会弹出要求重新输入新的 PAT Github Desktop 无法...
I however managed to reproduce issue on new repo: CLIpreparation # Create repo mkdir test cd test git init . # Create first branch printf "readme\nreadme" > git add . git commit -m "readme" # Create second branch git checkout -b branch printf "docs\ndocs" > ...
Create the new branch’s reflog; seegit-branch[1]for details. -d --detach Rather than checking out a branch to work on it, check out a commit for inspection and discardable experiments. This is the default behavior ofgit checkout <commit>when<commit>is not a branch name. See the "DET...