When the<commit>argument is a branch name, the--detachoption can be used to detachHEADat the tip of the branch (git checkout <branch>would check out that branch without detachingHEAD). Omitting<branch>detachesHEADat the tip of the current branch. ...
git checkout -b [branch] (2)先本地代码回到上上次提交的版本 git reset --hard head^ (3) 提交本地代码到远程 如果你在直接add,commit后直接 git push。会报错 err: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind 因为远程本地分支回滚后,版本将落后远程分支,所以你要先pull...
7、git checkout git checkout (branchname) 切换到一个分支. git checkout -b (branchname): 创建并切换到新的分支. 这个命令是将git branch newbranch和git checkout newbranch合在一起的结果. checkout还有另一个作用:替换本地改动: git checkout --<filename> 此命令会使用HEAD中的最新内容替换掉你的...
$ edit; git add; git commit HEAD (refers to branch 'master') | v a---b---c---d branch 'master' (refers to commit 'd') ^ | tag 'v2.0' (refers to commit 'b') It is sometimes useful to be able to checkout a commit that is not at the tip of any named branch, or even...
git checkout <分支名>:切换分支 git merge <被合并分支名>:合并分支 tip:如master分支合并 hot_fix分支,那么当前必须处于master分支上,然后执行 git merge hot_fix 命令 tip2:合并出现冲突 ①删除git自动标记符号,如<<< HEAD、>>>等 ②修改到满意
Git版本管理时的sub module tip拉取分支(需要先在根目录check out对应的分支):git pull --recurse-submodules origin release_xxx 表示根目录更新到release_xxx分支的最新commit,并且更新对应的submodule,等同于git pull git submodule update --init --recursive 根...
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") jere@JereMBP GitTest (develop) $ git checkout README.md Updated 1 path from the index jere@JereMBP GitTest (develop) $ git status On branch develop Changes not staged for commit: ...
commit 把索引提交到本地分支 git add .:监控工作区的状态树,此命令会把工作时的所有变化提交到暂存区,包括文件内容修改(modified)以及新文件(new),但不包括被删除的文件。 git add -u:他仅监控已经被add的文件(即tracked file),他会将被修改的文件提交到暂存区。add -u 不会提交新文件(untracked file)。(...
记住git reset不会产生commits,它仅仅更新一个branch(branch本身就是一个指向一个commit的指针)指向另外一个commit(Head和branch Tip同时移动保持一致).其他的仅剩对于index和work tree(working directory)有什么影响。git checkout xxxCommit则只影响HEAD,如果xxxCommit和一个branch tip是一致的话,则HEAD和branch相匹配...
git checkout -- a01.txt-> 恢复被删除的文件(未被commit) git reset HEAD readme.txt-> 恢复被修改的文件(未被commit),并不会更改文件内容,只是使之回到已修改状态 git commit --amend -m a01.txt-> 恢复被删除的文件(已被commit) git remote add origin https://github.com/YourAccountName/name.git...