3. “fatal: A branch named ‘branch_name’ already exists”:这个报错表示本地已经存在同名的分支。解决方法是先切换到其他分支,或者删除本地同名分支后再切换。 4. “error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout”:这个报错意味着在切换分支前存在未提交的修改,切换会...
错误3:fatal: A branch named ‘branch-name’ already exists 此错误表示要创建的分支已经存在。如果你想创建一个新的分支,请选择一个不同的名称。如果要切换到已经存在的分支,请使用”git checkout branch-name”命令。 错误4:fatal: Not a valid branch name: ‘branch-name’ ...
GIT切换分支报错,服务器更新需要输入账号 切换分支:git checkout -b xxx origin/xxx 出错: git 切换分支出错 fatal: A branch named ‘分支名‘ already exists. git checkout master 先切换回master gitbranch-d xxx 或 gitbranch-D xxx 删除错误分支 gitbranch-bxxxorigin/xxx切换分支 问题描述: 服务器上使...
针对你提出的“git: fatal: a branch named 'master' already exists”问题,可以按照以下步骤进行解决: 确认错误信息: 错误信息“fatal: a branch named 'master' already exists”表明你尝试创建的分支名“master”已经存在于你的Git仓库中。 检查当前分支: 使用git branch命令查看当前仓库中的所有分支,确认“ma...
a94823afd688061ad02285591fb36a7dbeb520dd Initial commit## 再来一次,失败了、因为分支已经存在$git checkout -b fromReleafatal: A branch named 'fromRelea' already exists.## 使用-B 强制签出,这里会重置已经存在的分支$git checkout relea$git checkout -B fromReleaSwitched to and reset branch 'from...
假设还没有其他人创建名为hello_octo的分支,git 将返回“Switched to a new branch ‘hello_octo’”。(如果已经存在同名分支,git 将改为告诉我们“fatal: A branch named ‘hello_octo’ already exists.” 没什么大不了的,只需使用git checkout -b再次使用新的名称变体)。
Create a new branch named <new-branch>, start it at <start-point>, and check the resulting branch out; see git-branch[1] for details. -B <new-branch> Creates the branch <new-branch>, start it at <start-point>; if it already exists, then reset it to <start-point>. And then ...
fatal:Abranch named'master'already exists.123@LAPTOP-LGNUL2SEMINGW64/e/uTorrent/gitProject1(gl)$ cat hello.txt1111111111111333333333123@LAPTOP-LGNUL2SEMINGW64/e/uTorrent/gitProject1(gl)$ git checkout masterSwitchedto branch'master'123@LAPTOP-LGNUL2SEMINGW64/e/uTorrent/gitProject1(master)$ ca...
# 命令形式:git checkout[-b or-B][local branch name]$ git checkout-b a Switched to anewbranch'a'$ git checkout-b afatal:Abranch named'a'already exists.$ git checkout-Ba Switched to and reset branch'a' 切换本地分支 代码语言:javascript ...
Running git checkout -b contributor/fork-branch' FETCH_HEAD (note the lowercase -b) twice fails with: fatal: A branch named 'contributor/fork-branch' already exists. Using git checkout -B always works and just resets the branch if it already exists: git checkout -B contributor/fork-branch...