How do you checkout a Git tag as a branch in the terminal? Alternatively, you can checkout a Git tag as a branch with the following: git checkout -b <branch name> <tag name> Checking out tags using the legendaryGitKraken Git GUIis seamless and intuitive, and gives you more control ...
$ git checkout -b new-branch v2.0 You will then have a brand new branch named "new-branch" that's based on the revision that the "v2.0" tag points at. Tip Checking Out Tags in Tower In case you are using theTower Git client, you can simply drag & drop the tag in Tower's sid...
Rather than checking out a branch to work on it, check out a commit for inspection and discardable experiments. This is the default behavior of "git checkout <commit>" when <commit> is not a branch name. See the "DETACHED HEAD" section below for details. --orphan Create a neworphanbran...
tag 就是 对某次 commit 的一个标识,相当于起了一个别名。我们的用处就是在项目中引入组件的特定tag来集成特定的某些版本功能。如下: pod'TYTNetworking',:git=>'git@',:tag=>'0.2.0-beta' 1、查看tag git tag : 直接列出所有的标签 git tag -l xxxx : ...
在Git 中创建附注标签十分简单。 最简单的方式是当你在运行tag命令时指定-a选项: $ git tag -a v1.4 -m "my version 1.4" $ git tag v0.1 v1.3 v1.4 -m选项指定了一条将会存储在标签中的信息。 如果没有为附注标签指定一条信息,Git 会启动编辑器要求你输入信息。
Rather than checking out a branch to work on it, check out a commit for inspection and discardable experiments. This is the default behavior ofgit checkout <commit>when<commit>is not a branch name. See the "DETACHED HEAD" section below for details. ...
git branch -a # 查看所有分支(包括本地和远程) git tag git tag # 查看所有tag git tag -l # 同样地,查看所有tag git log git log命令详解。git log——oneline与git log——format怎么用? ( git log --oneline #每个commit显示一行 ...
Checking out tags You can view the state of a repo at a tag by using thegit checkoutcommand. git checkout v1.4 The above command will checkout thev1.4tag. This puts the repo in a detachedHEADstate. This means any changes made will not update the tag. They will create a new detached...
# 切换分支 $ git checkout <branch> # 创建并切换到新分支 $ git checkout -b <branch> 标签 # 给当前版本打标签 $ git tag <tag-name> # 给当前版本打标签并附加消息 $ git tag -a <tag-name> 合并与重置 merge 与 rebase 虽然是 git 常用功能,但是强烈建议不要使用 git 命令来完成这项工作...
在Git 中创建附注标签十分简单。 最简单的方式是当你在运行tag命令时指定-a选项: $git tag -a v1.4 -m"my version 1.4"$git tagv0.1 v1.3 v1.4 -m选项指定了一条将会存储在标签中的信息。 如果没有为附注标签指定一条信息,Git 会启动编辑器要求你输入信息。