你可以通过在 git submodule add 命令后面加上想要跟踪的项目的相对或绝对 URL 来添加新的子模块。在本例中,我们将会添加一个名为 “DbConnector” 的库。 $ git submodule add https://github.com/chaconinc/DbConnector Cloning into 'DbConnector'... remote: Counting objects...
When should you use a Git submodule? If you need to maintain a strict version management over your external dependencies, it can make sense to use Git submodules. The following are a few best use cases for Git submodules. When an external component or subproject is changing too fast or up...
在project1中push之后其实就是更新了引用的commit id,然后project1-b在clone的时候获取到了submodule的commit id,然后当执行git submodule update的时候git就根据gitlink获取submodule的commit id,最后获取submodule的文件,所以clone之后不在任何分支上;但是master分支的commit id和HEAD保持一致。 查看~/submd/ws/project1...
如果需要克隆出子模组形式引用的外部库,首先需要执行Submodule Update操作。 在需要作克隆子模组的Git工作区中右击,选择“TortoiseGit->Submodule Update...”,点击“OK”即可。 执行Submodule Update...操作后就会把子模组的版本库克隆下来。 3.对主Git库工作区作commit、checkout、revert、pull、push等更改Git工作区...
Submodules Submodules can work with WP Engine GitPush, so long as the submodule can be cloned without requiring a specific SSH key or username/password combination and responds to the ‘git’ protocol. It wouldn’t be possible to say, clone a private GitHub repository from the account – it...
Remove submodules from ignore list 2年前 .gitmodules add submodules for websocket/sales 2年前 .project DocSys First Version 7年前 LICENSE Initial commit 7年前 README.md update README.md. 2个月前 README_EN.md update README_EN.md. 6个月前 Loading... README GPL...
git submodule update –remote <子模块名称> “` 如果你只想更新所有子模块的版本,可以使用以下命令: “` git submodule update –remote “` 3. 提交更新到主仓库: 更新子模块版本后,需要将更新提交到主仓库。依次执行以下命令: “` git add . git commit -m “Update submodule version” git push origin...
#Submodule If a project contains submodules, you can view the information on each submodule under the submodule list. More operations on submodules are not supported currently. #Initializing "Git" Repository If the "Git" repository is not found under the project folder, you can initialize a rep...
若submodule 有更新的檔案,你可以到 parent git 觀看一下情況: $cd../../ $ git status# Not currently on any branch.# Changed but not updated:# (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)# (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)## modified: ...
4. 删除submodule 4.1 删除 .gitmodules 文件中相关的内容 代码语言:javascript 复制 -[submodule"editorjs"]-path=editorjs-url=https://github.com/codex-team/editor.js 4.2 删除.git/config 文件中相关内容 代码语言:javascript 复制 [core]repositoryformatversion=0filemode=truebare=falselogallrefupdates=true...