Step 2: Check Repository Username Check the current username in the Git local repository: $git Step 3: Change Git Repository Username Next, change the Username in the Git repository using the “git config” command: $git"Jenny" After that, verify if...
Show directions on how to proceed from the current state in the output of git-status[1], in the template shown when writing commit messages in git-commit[1], and in the help message shown by git-switch[1] or git-checkout[1] when switching branches. statusUoption Shown when git-statu...
--username=<user> For transports that SVN handles authentication for (http, https, and plain svn), specify the username. For other transports (e.g. svn+ssh://), you must include the username in the URL, e.g. svn+ssh:// --prefix=<prefix> This allows one...
$ git checkout master# 新建并切换到新建的分支$ git checkout -b [分支] $ git checkout -b feature_x# 删除分支,若没有有未被合并的内容,则无法删除# 不能删除当前所在的分支,如要删除需切换分支$ git branch -d [分支]# 强制删除分支$ git branch -D [分支]# 删除远程分支 origin为配置的远程仓...
# 设置用户名 git config --global [username] # 设置用户Email git config --global [email] 生成密钥 # 生成的密钥存放在C:\Users\用户名称\.ssh目录下 ssh-keygen -t rsa -C [email] 查看本地全局用户配置信息 git config --global --list 查看此工作空间的用户配置信息 git co...
Usernamefor'':gitau Passwordfor'':Counting objects:12,done.Compressing objects:100%(7/7),done.Writing objects:100%(12/12),923bytes|0bytes/s,done.Total12(delta0),reused0(delta0)To*[newbranch]master->master ...
$ git checkout-b 本地分支名 远程分支名(比如origin/xx) 推送到远程仓库 推送master分支到远程仓库 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ git push origin master 删除远程分支 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 方法1$ git push origin--deleteserverfix # 方法2推送空分支替代 ...
From planning to production, bring teams together in one application. Ship secure code more efficiently to deliver value faster.
git配置文件地址: macOS and Linux: /Users/<username>/.gitconfig or ~/.gitconfig 配置git的ssh 在用ssh之前,你需要 先生成公钥私钥,然后将公钥加入到github的setting中,按照教程配置~/yefei/.ssh/config 也可以参考中文教程 它的大概过程: 1.设置本地的ssh key,打开git bash,输入命令: ...