其中branch name是目标分支的名称。比如我们想切换至名为dev的分支: git checkout dev 执行完该命令后,我们就成功切换至目标分支。 创建新分支并切换 有时候,我们需要创建一个新的分支并立即切换到该分支。可以使用以下命令: git checkout -b [new branch name] ...
you're less likely to get feedback and have your change -merged in. +merged in. Also, split your changes into comprehensive chunks if your patch is +longer than a dozen lines. If you are starting to work on a particular area, feel free to submit a PR that highlights your work in pr...
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) README nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) 在状态报告中可以看到新建的README文件出现在Untracked files下面。 未跟踪的...
$vim test.rb$git commit -a -m'made a change' 图3-7 展示了提交后的结果。 图3-7. 每次提交后 HEAD 随着分支一起向前移动 非常有趣,现在 testing 分支向前移动了一格,而 master 分支仍然指向原先git checkout时所在的 commit 对象。现在我们回到 master 分支看看: ...
$ git checkout masterSwitchedto branch'master'$ ls README test.txt 我们也可以使用 git checkout -b (branchname) 命令来创建新分支并立即切换到该分支下,从而在该分支中操作。 $ git checkout-b newtestSwitchedto anewbranch'newtest'$ git rm test.txt ...
git change branch name All In One 1. Start by switching to thelocalbranchwhichyou want to rename: $ git checkout <old_name># 2. Rename the local branch by typing:$ git branch -m <new_name># 3. Push the <new_name> local branch and reset the upstream branch:$ git push origin...
-> changes to commited: git commit -m '添加描述'//将暂存区的文件添加到版本库 git log//查看以往的提交 git add fileName git commit --amend// 会将修改合并到上一次提交,不会产生新的提交 05-git-diff git status//查看当前状态 -> Change not staged for commit ...
原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/chenweichu/p/5852335.htmlgitrebase用于把一个分支的修改合并到当前分支gitmerge <branch_name>;也是合并分支,与gitrebase不同的是gitmerge会合并两个分支产生一个新commit对象【拥有两个parent】。gitrebase 【rebase】顾名思义 ...
# create a new branch git branch branch-name # change environment to the new branch git checkout branch-name 在上面的命令中,我们新建了一个分支。我们将检查分支,然后添加新的更改;之后,我们会将其与 master 分支合并并将其推送到最新的远程分支中。但是想象一下,如果远程分支已经存在,并且我们必须将分支...