# 新建本地仓库目录 mkdir learn_git cd learn_git # 初始化一个仓库 git init # 添加远程的仓库地址xxx.git git remote add origin xxx.git # 添加所有的代码到缓存区 git add . # 将代码提交到本地仓库,不commit不会提交更改 git commit -m 'first commit' # 将本地代码推到远程仓库master分支上 git...
打开.git 文件夹,找到 config 文件,打开修改 url 即可 参考链接:https://www.yiibai.com/git/git_remote.html https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2432764/how-to-change-the-uri-url-for-a-remote-git-repository
> git branch> git branch -r> git branch -a 获取远程最新Change,有两个方法: Git Fetch。Fetch指令其实同步了origin/master指针为remote repository中对应branch的HEAD。在追踪信息已经设定的情况下,可以不指定对应的remote repository就可以直接使用fetch。 Git Pull。Pull指令同样同步了origin/master指针,但它比Fetc...
Running git init in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning git init is to pick up newly added templates. 2. Work on the current change add: Add file contents to the index rm: Remove files from the working tr...
git clone:远程复制一个完整的repository到本地,比如git clone git://github.com/schacon/simplegit.git,就是从git://github.com/schacon/simplegit.git这个地址clone到本地当前目录。 git add:把一个文件从change->staged状态。git add test.txt。注意,不仅仅是添加新文件,修改现有文件也要git add来修改状态,...
git commit -a -a是代表add,把所有的change加到git index里然后再commit git commit -a -v 一般提交命令 git log 看你commit的日志 git diff 查看尚未暂存的更新 git rm a.a 移除文件(从暂存区和工作区中删除) git rm --cached a.a 移除文件(只从暂存区中删除) ...
Various Git commands pay attention to environment variables and change their behavior. The environment variables marked as "Boolean" take their values the same way as Boolean valued configuration variables, e.g. "true", "yes", "on" and positive numbers are taken as "yes". ...
Note that you cannot change the local branch: the current branch for each selected repository will be pushed. tip You can also switch to the editing mode by pressing Enter or Enter for the selected element. If you have some commits you've made but not yet want to push to a remote branc...
Note that you cannot change the local branch: the current branch for each selected repository will be pushed. tip You can also switch to the editing mode by pressing Enter or Enter for the selected element. If you have some commits you've made but not yet want to push to a remote branc...
Remote:远程仓库 理解工作区 与 暂存区的区别? 工作区:就是你在电脑上看到的目录,比如目录下 testgit 里的文件 (.git隐藏目录版本库除外)。 或者以后需要再新建的目录文件等等都属于工作区范畴。 版本库(Repository):工作区有一个隐藏目录 .git,这个不属于工作区,这是版本库。