"echo-e'\n'echo"git commit repo into local..."git add -Agit commit -m"updated at:$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')"echo"git commit repo into local complated!"echo-e'\n'echo"git push repo to origin...!"git push origin devecho"git push repo to origin complated!"...
添加原始仓库地址,就是被Fork的。 git remoteaddparent https://github.com/dotnetcore/aspnetcore-doc-cn.git 地址是https协议的,不能是ssh协议的,除非有权限。 添加自己远程仓库地址,最好是ssh协议地址。 git remoteaddorigin git@github.com:SeayXu/aspnetcore-doc-cn.git 3.拉取原始远程仓库到本地 git pul...
参考了 Git merge reports "Already up-to-date" though there is a differencestackoverflow.com/questions/634546/git-merge-reports-already-up-to-date-though-there-is-a-difference 这是我实际遇到的一个问题。就是我和另一个合作者都fork了同一个项目。现在他做出了很多改动,然后我也做了很多改动。然...
1. Configure a remote that points to the upstream repository Change the current working directory to your local project. List the current configured remote repository for your fork. $ git remote-v origin https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/YOUR_FORK.git(fetch)origin https://github.com/YOUR_USERNA...
1.fork一下Joe的github的仓库地址,到我们自己的github仓库下 2.git clone到本地电脑中 3.我们做一些代码的修改 4.本地进行commit 5.push到我们自己的仓库中 6.发起Pull request 如果对方接受了我们的pull request,那么我们做的一些修改,就可以合入到他的仓库中了,整个流程就走完了。
GitForkRef interfaceReferentie Feedback Pakket: azure-devops-extension-api Informatie over een forkverw.Uitbreiding GitRef EigenschappenTabel uitvouwen repository De opslagplaats-id van de fork.Overgenomen eigenschappenTabel uitvouwen creator isLocked isLockedBy name objectId peeled...
➜ learn_git git:(master) git reset --soft HEAD~ ➜ learn_git git:(master) ✗ git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) new file: a.txt 如上可以看到,文件已经从本地仓库...
# Jessica's Machine $ git push origin master ... To jessica@githost:simplegit.git 1edee6b..fbff5bc master -> master 上方输出信息中最后一行显示的是推送操作执行完毕后返回的一条很有用的消息。 消息的基本格式是<oldref>..<newref> fromref → toref,oldref的含义是推送前所指向的引用,newref...
1,由originmaster e.g https://gitlab.zmaxis.com/zm_test/zmlearn_ui_auto.gitbranch上Fork出来一个项目。避免直接push代码到原项目的master分支上2,在本地新建remote分支项目gitremoteadd<FORK出来的项目路径>。 若是对git命令不熟悉,可学习git使用 https ...
To https://github.com/tonychacon/blink * [new branch] slow-blink -> slow-blink Clone our fork of the project locally Create a descriptive topic branch Make our change to the code Check that the change is good Commit our change to the topic branch ...