[Git & GitHub] 解决办法:Can’t connect to any repository : not authorized / not permitted 问题描述:在使用github提代码的时候出现标题错误前段时间有个朋友带的项目组出现了一个问题,就是source在eclipse中利用github只能pull(下载)代码不能push(上传)代码,只要一push代码就会出现Can’tconnecttoanyrepository:...
Can't connect to any repository: https://github.com/galen17/example1200.git (https://github.com/galen17/example1200.git: git-receive-pack not permitted on 'https://github.com/galen17/example1200.git/') 用git命令行push,如下: remote: You must verify your email address. remote: See https...
例如以下图: 2.在config文件里加入: [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master 以上的master要改为你要提交的分支。 3.再运行pull方法就可以。 3.Can't connect to any repository: (Nothing to push) 假设没对分支的配置文件里加入推送配置的话,则无法向server推送这个分支的。 例如以...
第一次提交时显示创建了repositories,但是提示代码push不上,且github上显示有项目,但项目代码为空。 之后我删除了repositories中的项目,再次提交,出现:Can't connect to repository from configured remote. You could want to check .git config.Do you want to proceed anyway? 解决方法: 关闭idea,进入你上传的项...
[Git & GitHub] 解决办法:Can’t connect to any repository : not authorized / not permitted 问题描述:在使用github提代码的时候出现标题错误 前段时间有个朋友带的项目组出现了一个问题, 就是source在eclipse中利用github只能 pull (下载)代码不能 push (上传)代码, 只要一push代码就会出现 Can’t connect ...
Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository but pull requests can be turned into patches to the mailing list via GitGitGadget (https://gitgitgadget.github.io/). Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improv
When writing, the new value is written to the repository local configuration file by default, and options --system, --global, --worktree, --file <filename> can be used to tell the command to write to that location (you can say --local but that is the default). This command will fai...
Set the path to the repository (".git" directory). This can also be controlled by setting the GIT_DIR environment variable. It can be an absolute path or relative path to current working directory. Specifying the location of the ".git" directory using this option (or GIT_DIR environment ...
Error - Changes committed to remote repository but deployment to website failed.你推送了与azure上的应用部署分支不匹配的本地分支。请确认当前分支为master。 若要更改默认分支,请使用DEPLOYMENT_BRANCH应用程序设置(见更改部署分支)。 src refspec [branchname] does not match any.你试图推送到azure远程实例中主...
clean install -Dmaven.repo.local=/data/.m2/repository -Dmaven.test.skip=true 修改maven/conf/setting.xml 中的local.repo 更改maven本地库地址 修改权限 chmod 777 -R /data/.m2/repository 如果直接使用缺省的/root/.m2 会因为jenkins的启动用户是jenkins导致权限问题。也可以修改jenkins配置文件修改启动用户...