【git 使用】【git常见错误处理一】状态不一致:Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits 现象:当查看状态时,或者pull拉取server上的版本时,提示本地commit没有push: 【命令】: # 查看本地状态信息 git status 【报错】: On branch master Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 c...
检查是否分支上的所有提交(commit)都合并(merge)过了 检查一个分支上的所有提交(commit)是否都已经合并(merge)到了其它分支, 你应该在这些分支的head(或任何 commits)之间做一次diff: (main)$ git log --graph --left-right --cherry-pick --oneline HEAD...feature/120-on-scroll 这会告诉你在一个分支里...
[root@liu readmetest]# git checkout master Switched to branch'master'Your branch is aheadof'origin/master'by1commit.(use"git push"to publish your local commits) Git还会自动提示我们当前master分支比远程的master分支要超前1个提交。 在master分支上把README.md文件的最后一行改为: 代码语言:javascript ...
$ git checkout master//第一步切回master分支Switchedto branch'master'Yourbranchisahead of'origin/master'by6commits.(use"git push"to publish your local commits)$ gitswitch-c issue-101//创建issue-101修改版本分支Switchedto anewbranch'issue-101' 现在修复bug,然后提交。修复完成后,切换到master分支,并...
Switchedtobranch'master'Your branchisaheadof'origin/master'by1commit. (use "git push"topublish yourlocalcommits) Git还会自动提示我们当前master分支比远程的master分支要超前1个提交。 在master分支上把readme.txt文件的最后一行改为: Creatinganewbranch is quick & simple. ...
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits. Unmerged paths: (use "git add/rm ..." as appropriate to mark resolution) both modified: readme.txt no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
With this, the full diff is shown for commits that touch the specified paths; this means that "<path>…" limits only commits, and doesn’t limit diff for those commits. Note that this affects all diff-based output types, e.g. those produced by --stat, etc. --log-size Include...
git-revert[1]is about making a new commit that reverts the changes made by other commits. git-restore[1]is about restoring files in the working tree from either the index or another commit. This command does not update your branch. The command can also be used to restore files in the ...
$ git lfs ls-files 3c2f7aedfb*my.psd Once you've made your commits, push your files to the Git remote: $ git push origin main Uploading LFS objects: 100% (1/1), 810 B, 1.2 KB/s#...To https://github.com/git-lfs/git-lfs-test 67fcf6a..47b2002 main ->main ...
Commits pointed to by references matching this pattern (and meeting the below criteria, like bitmapPseudoMerge.<name>.sampleRate and bitmapPseudoMerge.<name>.threshold) will be considered for inclusion in a pseudo-merge bitmap. Commits are grouped into pseudo-merge groups based on whether or ...