git checkout - b < branch - name > origin /< branch - name > 删除本地分支 git branch - d < local - branchname > 删除远程分支 git push origin -- delete < remote - branchname > 或者 git push origin :< remote - branchname > 重命名本地分支 git branch - m < new - branch - n...
gitbranch-d<local-branchname> 删除远程分支 gitpushorigin--delete<remote-branchname> 或者 gitpushorigin:<remote-branchname> 重命名本地分支 gitbranch-m<new-branch-name> 查看标签 gittag 展示当前分支的最近的 tag gitdescribe--tags--abbrev=0 查看标签详细信息 gittag-ln 本地创建标签 gittag<version-...
git checkout -b <branch-name> origin/<branch-name> 1. 删除本地分支 git branch -d <local-branchname> 1. 删除远程分支 git push origin --delete <remote-branchname> 1. 或者 git push origin :<remote-branchname> 1. 重命名本地分支 git branch -m <new-branch-name> 1. 查看标签 git tag...
git clean <directory-name> -df 显示简化的 commit 历史 git log --pretty=oneline --graph --decorate --all 把某一个分支导出成一个文件 git bundle create <file> <branch-name> 从包中导入分支 新建一个分支,分支内容就是上面 git bundle create 命令导出的内容 git clone repo.bundle <repo-dir> -...
- Hotfix branch 'hotfix/demo-hotfix' has been deleted 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 相关链接 commitizen gitflow AngularJS Git Commit Message Conventions Git Style A successful Git branching model Using git-flow to automate your git branching workflow...
To switch to the newly created branch called branch_name, use the commandgit checkout [branch_name]. Branch Naming Conventions Branch naming conventions are essential when using Git for software development, as they provide a consistent way to group branches according to their purpose. When creatin...
branch@rename/c/git/gitub(bogfix)$ git branch -a* bogfixmain To rename the Git branchbogfixtobugfix, I simply use the-mswitch with thegit branchcommand and provide a new branch name. branch@rename/c/git/gitub(bogfix)$ git branch -m bugfix ...
Start with lowercase:Names should start with lowercase letters as part of the standard conventions established across many programming languages.Example: my-branch-name. Make it meaningful:The purpose of the branch should also be evident from its name to make it easier for others to understand what...
The branch name “permanent” was recorded with the changeset marked7. From the Git side, working with either of these branch styles is the same: just checkout, commit, fetch, merge, pull, and push as you normally would. One thing you should know is that Mercurial doesn’t support rewrit...
git checkout -b <branch-name> 从远程分支中创建并切换到本地分支 git checkout -b <branch-name> origin/<branch-name> 删除本地分支 git branch -d <local-branchname> 删除远程分支 git push origin --delete <remote-branchname> 或者 git push origin :<remote-branchname> ...