git branch Delete all local branches that have been merged to main branch Copy git branch --merged main | grep -v "^\* main" | xargs -n 1 -r git branch -d See the list of local git branches that remain Copy git branch Deleting Local Branches That No Longer Exist on the Remote Op...
pullFetchfromandintegratewithanother repositoryoralocalbranch pushUpdateremote refs alongwithassociated objects 然后使用git help -a和git help -g可以查看git 的一些子命令和一些概念性的东西。 使用git help <command>和git help <concept>可以查看某个命令的参数 和描述等详细信息。 要对某个Git 工程做处理,我...
You also see a list of the remote branches. By executing thefetchcommand, this list is updated if there's a remote branch that isn't listed. In the next example, there's only the main branch on the local repository and the main on the remote repository. If there would be another remo...
# f, fixup <commit> = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message # x, exec <command> = run command (the rest of the line) using shell # b, break = stop here (continue rebase later with 'git rebase --continue') # d, drop <commit> = remove commit # l, label <la...
pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch push Update remote refs along with associated objects 'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>' ...
branch git checkout -b new // 查看所有分支和当前分支 git branch // 切换分支 git checkout master git switch master // 整合分支到切换的分支 git merge new // 放心的删除没用的分支 git branch -d new // 查看分支图 git log --graph --pretty = oneline --abbrev-commit // 禁用fast-forward...
Next,delete or removethe old unused Git (local & remote) branch info. For this, you will have to delete it from the list shown by using the following command line interface remarks in theGit bashshell's terminal window: List all available local & remote branches→ git branch –a→ Delete...
git checkout [local branch] 删除分支 //删除本地分支,要求本地分支已经merge到upstream或者HEADgit branch-d[branch-name]//强制删除本地分支,不管你merge没有git branch-D[branch-name]//删除远程分支git push origin:[remote-branch-name] PS. 删除分支可以参考男男的git 删除分支 ...
$ git branch testing 1. 这会在当前 commit 对象上新建一个分支指针(见图 3-4)。 图3-4. 多个分支指向提交数据的历史 那么,Git 是如何知道你当前在哪个分支上工作的呢?其实答案也很简单,它保存着一个名为 HEAD 的特别指针。请注意它和你熟知的许多其他版本控制系统(比如 Subversion 或 CVS)里的 HEAD 概...
1. First, make sure you are in the branch you want to pull the code into. You can check your current branch using the command `git branch`. 2. To pull code from another branch, you can use the `git pull` command with the remote branch reference. For example, if you want to pull...