一是安装homebrew,然后通过homebrew安装Git,具体方法请参考homebrew的文档:http://brew.sh/。 第二种方法更简单,也是推荐的方法,就是直接从AppStore安装Xcode,因为Xcode集成了Git,不过默认没有安装,你需要运行Xcode,选择菜单Xcode->Preferences,在弹出窗口中找到Downloads,选择Command Line Tools,点Install就可以完成安装了...
git push -u origin newBranch:newBranch // 新建远程分支 8.删除分支 删除远程分支。 git push命令如果省略本地分支名,将删除远程分支。如git push origin :remoteb1将删除远程remoteb1这个分支。 $ git push origin :remote1 或者 $ git branch -r -d origin/remote1 删除本地分支 git branch -d 本地分...
git branch <branchname> 切换分支(本地分支) sh git checkout <branch> 如果想要创建一个基于远程分支的本地分支(基于分支的分支)并且想要切换到这个分支 sh # 先使用git branch -a看好自己要基于哪个分支创建 git branch -b 分支名字 remotes/origin/分支名字 合并分支 sh # 可以合并远程,也可以合并本地的...
报错:The current branch dev has no upstream branch.To push the current branch and set #重新设置源分支即可git push --set-upstream origin master 报错:The file will have its original line endings in your working directory #windows中的换行符为CRLF,而Linux/macOs下的换行符为LF,环境不一致导致换行符...
The command’s second form creates a new branch head named <branchname> which points to the current HEAD, or <start-point> if given. As a special case, for <start-point>, you may use "A...B" as a shortcut for the merge base of A and B if there is exactly one merge base. ...
* master newbranch *代表当前所在的分支 切换分支 $ git checkout newbranch 输出: $Switchedto branch'newbranch' 切换后可用git branch查看是否切换到当前分支 master * newbranch 提交改动到当前分支 $ git add.$ git commit-a 可使用git status查看提交状态 ...
all point to the same commit, we can delete the feature-23 branch. This doesn't delete the commits and the files within the commit. It only removes the pointer feature-1. The main branch still points tocommit D. To delete a branch, you need to use the-doption on thebranchcommand. ...
git rebase <upstream> <branch> 我们说,把<branch>变基到<upstream>上。 如果指定了<branch>,git rebase会首先自动执行git switch <branch>,切换到该分支;否则停留在当前分支。 然后,所有当前分支所做的、不在<upstream>分支中的修改,都会被储存到一个临时空间;然后,git会把这些修改应用在<upstream>分支上,就像...
When you are ready to add your changes to the default branch, you merge the feature branch into it: In GitLab, you typically use amerge requestto merge your changes, instead of using the command line. To create a merge request from a fork to an upstream repository, see theforking workfl...