方法1: git status # 查看冲突文件列表 git diff # 查看冲突的具体内容 # 在目标分支下查看冲突的文件,手工编辑,在合并和提交。 # git merge --abort # 终止合并 方法2: git switch dev1 git rebase dev2 # 把dev1分支的所有提交,都嫁接在dev2分支后,dev1可能会覆盖dev2 git blame [选项] <文件路径>...
workflows An overview of recommended workflows with Git 'git help -a' and 'git help -g' list available subcommands and some concept guides. See 'git help <command>' or 'git help <concept>' to read about a specific subcommand or concept. 回到远程仓库的状态 抛弃本地所有的修改,回到远程仓库...
file, one unabbreviated object name per line, ingit-blame[1]. Whitespace and comments beginning with#are ignored. This option may be repeated multiple times. Empty file names will reset the list of ignored revisions. This option will be handled before the command line option--ignore-revs-...
Blame information tells you who last edited a line, when they did it, and which commit they did it in. You can then choose to show that commit in full including its commit message and diff.For this package to work, you must already have the git command-line tool installed, and be ...
--line-porcelain 显示瓷器格式,但是输出每一行的提交信息,而不仅仅是第一次引用提交--porcelain. --incremental 以一种为机器使用而设计的格式递增地显示结果。 --encoding=<encoding> 指定用于输出作者名称和提交摘要的编码。将其设置为none将使blame输出无法转换为数据。有关更多信息,请参阅git-log(1)手册页中关...
git blame <file-name> 显示本地更新过 HEAD 的 git 命令记录 每次更新了 HEAD 的 git 命令比如 commint、amend、cherry-pick、reset、revert 等都会被记录下来(不限分支),就像 shell 的 history 一样。这样你可以 reset 到任何一次更新了 HEAD 的操作之后,而不仅仅是回到当前分支下的某个 commit 之后的状态。
file, one unabbreviated object name per line, ingit-blame[1]. Whitespace and comments beginning with#are ignored. This option may be repeated multiple times. Empty file names will reset the list of ignored revisions. This option will be handled before the command line option--ignore-revs-...
git-fameis a command-line tool that helps you summarize and pretty-print collaborators, based on the number of contributions. The statistics are mostly based on the output ofgit blameon the current branch.git famecounts the total number of current lines of code (and files) that were last to...
git blame 文件名 # 显示文件的每一行是在那个版本最后修改。 git whatchanged 文件名 # 显示某个文件的每个版本提交信息:提交日期,提交人员,版本号,提交备注(没有修改细节) 查看git仓库中最近修改的分支 gitfor-each-ref --count=30 --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(refname:short)' ...
为了在提交的时候尽可能多的携带上下文信息,我们让提交信息包含了正在处理的JIRA编号。这样,将来如果有人回到我们现在正在提交的源代码,输入git blame,就能很容易的找出JIRA的编号。 每次提交都包含这些信息可能会有点乏味(如果你使用了类似TDD[1]之类的方法,您会提交的更加频繁),而且,尽管像Tower[2]这样的git客户端...