打开Git Bash 跑vim~/.bashrc键入i以插入字符输入cd C:/my-project/directory;(确保它在自己的行上)(不要忘记分号)键入esc退出插入模式输入:wq或ZZ保存并退出vim您已成功更新~/.bashrc!输入cat ~/.bashrc以仔细检查。 不过这是一种强制手段,意味着我们快捷方式的起始位置不再生效。 如果在多项目中灵活开发,还...
每次打开git bash时,默认路径都是C:\Users\alan_zhu,需要用CD命令切换到working directory (cd d:\forGit)中,这比较麻烦。 方法1,修改git bash的快捷方式中的Start in即可解决这个麻烦。 方法2,直接在系统变量对话框修改git默认路径,或者在git bash中用命令修改。 Postscript: 系统变量%HOMEDRIVE% 指的是 C:\...
start F:\Program" "Files\Git\git-bash.exe --cd=D:\dev\workspace\HexoTools 命令解释start用于启动一个窗口F:\Program" "Files\Git\git-bash.exe是git-bash的路径,注意路径中间的空格要用引号包起来--cd=D:\dev\workspace\HexoTools指定git-bash的启动目录为D:\dev\workspace\HexoTools,点击批处理在项目...
If the pattern starts with ./, it is replaced with the directory containing the current config file. If the pattern does not start with either ~/, ./ or /, **/ will be automatically prepended. For example, the pattern foo/bar becomes **/foo/bar and would match /any/path/to/foo/ba...
Git Bash:是git提供的命令行工具 基本配置 1.打开Git Bash设置用户信息 git config --global user.name "egg" git config --global user.email "123@qq.com"使用虚拟邮箱即可 git config --global user.name 查看配置 git config --global user.email 查看配置 2.为常用命令设置别名(常用命令参数很多,设置别...
Git is afree and open sourcedistributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git iseasy to learnand has atiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCa...
New to GitLab and not sure where to start? Explore resources DevSecOps From planning to production, GitLab brings your team together DevelopmentSecurityOperations Automated tasks improve efficiency and free up developers’ time — without sacrificing security. ...
[<args>] These are common Git commands used in various situations: start a working area (see also: git help tutorial) clone Clone a repository into a new directory init Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one work on the current change (see also: git help everyday...
FWIW I made up my mind aboutgit-bash.exealwaysswitching directory and determined that my original reasoning was flawed: I wantedgit-bash.exein a portable Git to behave like the Git Bash start menu item of the non-portable version. But that is usually not what is needed! A most typical ...
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