1. 打开 Git Bash: 在开始菜单或者桌面上找到 Git Bash 快捷方式,点击打开。 2. 进入配置文件: 输入以下命令,进入 Git Bash 的配置文件目录: “` cd ~ “` 3. 打开配置文件: 执行以下命令打开 Git Bash 的配置文件 `.bashrc` 或 `.bash_profile`: “` vi .bashrc “` 如果没有 `.bashrc` 文件,可...
Portable Git for Windows: setting the $HOME environment variable to allow complete portability (including SSL keys and configuration for use with GitHub) 2. 按 Windows 方式创建环境变量 笔者使用 git version 2.6.3.windows.1 , 其 profile 文件变化较大,采用另外一种方式修改 HOME 默认路径。 以Windows...
如果您对bush非常了解,应该能猜到linux的bash的配置方案理应也在这行得通。而事实也的确如此,有profile就有bashrc。 在HOME目录下新建文件.bashrc写入你最惯用的配置,比如alias、bind、export 等,执行source ~/.bashrc即刻生效。 参考文献 Portable Git for Windows: setting the $HOME environment variable to allow...
When the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is not set or empty, $HOME/.config/ is used as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. These are also called "global" configuration files. If both files exist, both files are read in the order given above. $GIT_DIR/config Repository specific configuration file. ...
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To set:git config --global core.editor o To unset:git config --global --unset core.editor Viewing man pagesBy setting the MANPAGER environment variable, it's possible to use o for viewing man pages:export MANPAGER=o An alternative to viewing man pages in o is to use less:...
Add Python to your path environment variable: e.g. C:\Python27; Note: Python 3.x is supported on an experimental bases by git-repo Download and install Repo either using the Windows Command Shell or Git Bash Windows Command Shell
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This is the instruction to make your Windows Terminal look cool. There are lots of articles on this topic already. However, I couldn't find anything that covers how to set up: Windows PowerShell Git Bash CMD Command Line WSL Ubuntu