git-functionlogJoe Blockjpb@unixorn.netAllows you to get agit logof a particular function, not a file. git-fzf-addFuzzy Finding in Bash with fzfUsefzfto select files to add togit. git-fzf-log-browserFuzzy Finding in Bash with fzfUsefzfto browse the repository'sgitlog. ...
git github github-actions eslint prettier 1个回答 0投票 对于lint,问题是您创建的不是正确的脚本。 线路 echo "No JavaScript or TypeScript files were changed." > 是最终运行的内容,基于错误消息 ./ line 1: No: command not found,事实上,您已经使用内容创建了脚本
在.husky文件夹中,存在一个名为pre-commit的文件,请添加"npx lint-staged"在您情况下,它可能是这样...
// .lintstagedrc.js export default { '**/*.js?(x)': (filenames) => => `prettier --write '${filename}'`), }Example: Run tsc on changes to TypeScript files, but do not pass any filename argumentsClick to expand // lint-staged.config.js export def...
Run Prettier as part of test suite (#1909) 2年前 .prettierrc.json Enforce complete structs (#2101) 2年前 .testconfig.json Ability to contest Go unit test files (#3923) 5个月前 .tool-versions New linter: mdbook-linkcheck (#4532) ...
(Android Studio Preferences → Appearance and Behavior → System Settings → Android SDK). After adding environment variables, you might need to restart your terminal or source the modified bash profile (i.e. "source ~/.bash_profile").export ANDROID_HOME="/home/myname/Android/Sdk" export ...
在.husky文件夹中,存在一个名为pre-commit的文件,请添加"npx lint-staged"在您情况下,它可能是这样...
(1)启动 git-bash,创建自己的GIT项目 (2)引入 Moment.js 作为项目组件,用 RESET 操作回退到缺陷修补前的版本。 (3)设置钩子,选择最常规的做法,把写好的钩子脚本放到GIT项目文件夹的 .git\hooks 目录内,直接命名为 pre-commit: (4)测试提交,随便编写一个文件,比如,然后 COMMIT 提交。
{graphql}' run: yarn run prettier --write --list-different {files} rubocop: tags: backend style files: git diff --name-only --diff-filter=d $(git merge-base origin/master HEAD) --cached glob: '*.{rb,rake}' run: REVEAL_RUBOCOP_TODO=0 bundle exec rubocop --parallel --autocorrect ...
The Prettier SDK does not use PnPify anymore since it was its only remaining use, and was fairly invasive; as a result, the Prettier plugins must be specified in Prettier's plugins configuration property. Zip terminal links can now be clicked from within VSCode Builtin patches that fail to ...