当你在 Git Bash 中遇到 make: command not found 的错误时,这通常意味着 make 工具没有安装在你的系统上,或者其安装路径没有被添加到环境变量中。以下是一些解决步骤,帮助你解决这个问题: 1. 确认是否已安装 make 工具 首先,你需要确认 make 工具是否已经安装在你的系统上。你可以通过在 Git Bash 中运行以下...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于git bash: make: command not found的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及git bash: make: command not found问答内容。更多git bash: make: command not found相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现
Upon executing the command "make build", an error message is displayed in the terminal stating that the "make" command cannot be found. Upon typing the command "make deploy", an error message appears on the screen stating that the "make" command cannot be found in the bash. Is there a ...
find -type d -empty 1. $ find . \( -type d -empty \) -and \( -not -regex ./\.git.* \) -exec touch {}/.gitignore \; $ find . \( -type d -empty \) -and \( -not -regex ./\.git.* \) -exec touch {}/gitkeep \; 2. $ git init 3. $ git add . 4. $ git ...
I'll have to re-test this -- I am pretty sure in my case that the default behavior in the installer was to select "Use Git from the Command Prompt", but it seems as though that's not true in general. Even so, we should make sure that Git integration works even if that option ...
-bash: __git_ps1: command not found on my Macbook Pro I have been trying to find a way to solve this issue for a long time now. I do not have much experience with terminal commands and the issue is frustrating. Here is what it says whenever I open the terminal: Last login: Fri...
$ treebash:tree: commandnotfound 为了验证,确实没有tree命令,我们直接打开git bash支持的命令文件目录,查看到底有没有tree.exe文件. 在git bash桌面快捷方式右键,选择打开文件位置,当前正处于git的安装目录,进入.\usr\bin文件夹. 经过验证,git bash支持的命令文件确实没有发现tree.exe文件,因此真的不支持tree命令...
For command-specific variables, you will find a more detailed description in the appropriate manual page. Other git-related tools may and do use their own variables. When inventing new variables for use in your own tool, make sure their names do not conflict with those that are used by Git...
bash: tree:commandnot found 为了验证,确实没有tree命令,我们直接打开git bash支持的命令文件目录,查看到底有没有tree.exe文件. 在git bash桌面快捷方式右键,选择打开文件位置,当前正处于git的安装目录,进入.\usr\bin文件夹. 经过验证,git bash支持的命令文件确实没有发现tree.exe文件,因此真的不支持tree命令. ...
2.回到你的linux机器,使用命令:cd ~回到当前用户的家目录下,然后使用命令:ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “邮箱地址”创建公钥和私钥对,如果提示-bash ssh-keygen:command not found ,那么使用命令yum -y install openssh-clients安装openssh。 3.接下来会有三个提示,一个是Enter file in which to save the key(...