云盘链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1K0FFeke_xllZheZmSzB-dQ 提取码:sseq 2.安装 1.双击傻瓜试安装即可 2.如果不想安装C盘则修改安装目录即可 一直点击下一步 建议: 是否开启文件缓存, 选第一个; 点击install; 3.鼠标在桌面右键出现 git图标选项 4.选择 Git Bash Here 安装成功后: 击桌面上的git快捷方...
Click here to downloadthe latest (2.47.1)64-bitversion ofGit for Windows. This is the most recentmaintained build. It was released43 days ago,on2024-11-25. Other Git for Windows downloads Standalone Installer 32-bit Git for Windows Setup. ...
2.47.1 Release Notes (2024-11-25) Download for Windows GUI Clients Git comes with built-in GUI tools (git-gui, gitk), but there are several third-party tools for users looking for a platform-specific experience. View GUI Clients → Logos Various Git logos in PNG (bitmap) and EPS ...
Downloads GUI clients and binary releases for all major platforms. Community Get involved! Bug reporting, mailing list, chat, development and more. Pro Gitby Scott Chacon and Ben Straub is available toread online for free. Dead tree versions are available onAmazon.com. ...
Git-it is a desktop (Mac, Windows and Linux) app that teaches you how to use Git and GitHub on thecommand line. 🚩The app includes translations in several languages: English, German, Kurdish, Polish 🚩 The app was originally created by Jessica Lord (jlord) and it's current state is...
Description Although I can open and run GitHub Desktop, Git, Git Bash, and Atom all on their own and they work fine, GitHub Desktop is unable to locate Git, Git Bash, or Atom from within the program. (Screenshots below.) I have checked m...
clone in desktop:通过github专用客户端进行克隆 download zip:将当前分支中的文件以zip形式下载。 20.当前分支的文件,顶部为最新的提交信息,左边是文件名称,中间是提交日志,右边是提交日期。 五、使用方法 使用GitHab客户端 登陆账户。 进入初始页面。 点击,创建一个新的仓库。
2. Open your Git Bash Git Bash can be downloaded here, and it is a shell used to interface with the operating system, which follows the UNIX command. 3. Create your local project in your desktop directed towards a current working directory pwd stands for 'print working directory', which ...
1. Open a Git Bash terminal and move to the directory where you want to keep the project on your local machine. For example: cd ~/Desktop mkdir myproject cd myproject/ In this example, we changed the directory toDesktopand created asubdirectorycalledmyproject. ...
1. Git Bash:Git Bash是Git在Windows上的命令行工具,它提供了一种在Windows环境下使用Git的方式。通过Git Bash,用户可以执行git命令来管理git仓库。Git Bash不提供图形界面,但是它是Git最原生的方式,可以通过命令行来完成各种操作。 2. GitHub Desktop:GitHub Desktop是GitHub官方推出的git客户端工具。它提供了一种...