首先去https://github.com/ 注册一个账户,当然是free and opensource的用户了。 根目录下创建git目录。 mkdir ~/git 初始化两个参数: git config --global user.name = "username" git config --global user.email = "***@***" 因为本机是通过ssh链接github的,所以先创建ssh密钥。 看一下本机是否已经...
1.在eclipse下建一个project :aa 2.打开git bush,进入aa目录下:cd /d/MyWorkspace/aa 3.git init 4.git add -A 5.git commit -m "aa test" 6.git remote add originhttps://github.com/username/aa.git 7.在https://github.com网站新建一个库,库名为上面的aa 8.按提示输入用户名、密码 9.git ...
第一步:打开eclipse->help-.Install New Software 图1 图2 第二步:点击Add,找到安装包的位置。 图3 第三步:按下图所示勾选。 图4 第四步:再单击Next,进入下一步,同意声明后,点击Finish即可。 图5 第五步:重启eclipse后。查看是否安装成功。在eclipse->Window->Preferences,显示有Git表示安装成功。 图6 5....
1.自带git插件进行配置我们的用户名和密码,即是自己github注册用户。windows--perferences--Team--Git—Configuration 2.eclipse生成SSH2 key:windows --perferences--General--Network Commection--SSH2--keymanagement—General RSA Key 然后把生成的SSH Key注册到github上,登录github--settings--add把上诉生成的SSH ...
到此我们本地项目已经提交完成,登录远程github查看发现上传成功。 二、使用eclipse自带插件提交项目 1.自带git插件进行配置我们的用户名和密码,即是自己github注册用户。windows--perferences--Team--Git--Configuration 2.eclipse生成SSH2 key:windows -- perferences--General--Network Commection--SSH2--key management...
Git is afree and open sourcedistributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git iseasy to learnand has atiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCa...
Choose Git as the version control system and click OK. The entire project will then be associated with a single Git directory, so there is no need to add each file to the Git directory individually. After VCS integration is enabled, IntelliJ IDEA will ask you whether you want to share pro...
JGit can be imported straight into Eclipse and built and tested from there. It can be built from the command line usingMavenorBazel. The CI builds use Maven and run onJenkins. org.eclipse.jgit A pure Java library capable of being run standalone, with no additional support libraries. It pr...
登录github.com进行账号注册,邮箱激活 2、git流程图 https://www.runoob.com/git/git-workflow.html 3、eclipse下的简单使用及冲突解决 冲突解决 https://blog.csdn.net/lhw_csd/article/details/81204202 第一部分 git简介及常用指令 git三个区域 工作区:本地存放代码的地方 ...