代码语言:javascript 复制 git flow hotfix finish VERSION 命令 Git flow schema 原项目地址:arslanbilal/git-cheat-shee 本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自作者个人站点/博客。 如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除 前往查看 github git 评论 登录后参与评论 推荐阅读 编辑精选文章 换一批 ...
Git Cheat Sheet 中文版 Other Available Languages: Git cheat sheet 让你不用再去记所有的git命令。 欢迎贡献内容、更新语法错误,也欢迎添加你母语版本的Git cheat sheet。 Git Cheat Sheet 中文版 索引 配置 列出当前配置: $ git config --list 列出repository配置: ...
:octocat: git and git flow cheat sheet. Contribute to arslanbilal/git-cheat-sheet development by creating an account on GitHub.
$ git clonehttps://gist.github.com/tiimgreen/10545817 This means you can also modify and update Gists: 1 2 3 $ git commit $ Username for 'https://gist.github.com': $ Password for 'https://tiimgreen@gist.github.com': 进一步了解如何创建 gists. Git.io Git.io是Github的短网址服务。
for example, https://github.com/User/myrepo.git Clone & branches To clone a remote git repository with depth = 1 and specifying my project name: $git clone --depth=1 remote myproject To clone a remote git repository with specific branch (eg. master): ...
GIT CHEAT SHEET Git is the free and open source distributed version control system that's responsible for everything GitHub related that happens locally on your computer. This cheat sheet features the most important and commonly used Git commands for easy reference. INSTALLATION & GUIS With ...
GIT CHEAT SHEET Git is the free and open source distributed version control system that's responsible for everything GitHub related that happens locally on your computer. This cheat sheet features the most important and commonly used Git commands for easy reference. INSTALLATION & GUIS With ...
GitHub: 一個讓使用者在使用本機端 Git 時,可進行遠端託管和協作管理的平台 commit: 提交,在 Git 的架構中作為一個物件,存放著當前倉儲狀態的快照,並以 SHA 形式存在 branch: 分支,通常用於區分 commit 的用途與專案的目標 clone: 複製,透過clone可讓使用者複製遠端倉儲到本機端,並進行後續的一系列操作 ...
git-config**Getandsetrepository orglobaloptions 初始化 初始化一个 Git 仓库:git init 提交修改 添加文件到暂存区:git add <file> 添加所有修改到暂存区:git add . 将暂存区的修改提交到版本库:git commit-> 编辑 commit message -> 保存 commit message 较简单时,可以:git commit -m "<message>" ...
第二步:登陆Github,打开“settings”,“SSH and GPG keys”页面,选择“New SHH key”。 填上任意title,然后在Key文本框里粘贴id_rsa.pub文件的内容。然后点击“Add SSH key”。 为什么Github需要SSH Key呢? 因为GitHub需要识别出你推送的提交确实是你推送的,而不是别人冒充的,而Git支持SSH协议,所以,GitHub只要...