从Git官网直接下载安装程序,然后按默认选项安装即可。 安装完成后,在开始菜单里找到“Git”->“Git Bash”,蹦出一个类似命令行窗口的东西,就说明Git安装成功! 安装完成后,还需要最后一步设置,在命令行输入: 1. $ git config --global user.name "Your Name" 2. $ git config --global user.email "email@...
安装完成后,在开始菜单里找到 Git Bash,弹出一个类似命令行窗口的东西,就说明 Git 安装成功。 在开始菜单中搜索 Git Bash Git Bash 安装完成后,还需要最后一步设置,在 Git Bash 输入: $ git config --global user.name "Your Name" $ git config --global user.email "someone@example.com" 因为Git 是分...
下载对应版本,默认安装,安装完成后,可以点击git bash,得到一个命令行窗口,即可表明安装成功。 安装完成后,还需要最后一步设置,在命令行输入: $ git config --global user.name "Your Name" $ git config --global user.email "email@example.com" 因为Git是分布式版本控制系统,所以,每个机器都必须自报家门:你...
Difference Between GitHub and GitLab As you have probably already figured out, GitHub and GitLab have more in common than not. But that does not imply that they lack distinctions. Let’s try to understand the brief comparison before moving on to the tabular comparison between GitHub and GitLa...
下载本地Git, 打开Git Bash 输入git config --global user.name "name" 可设置姓名(查看时去掉 "name") 输入git config --global user.email "email" 可设置邮箱(查看时去掉 "email") 1.输入 mkdir learngit 即可建立一个名为learngit的文件夹(该文件夹位于C:\Users\hi\learngit) ...
Step 4: Launch Git Bash Terminal Now, open the Git Bash terminal with the help of the Startup menu: Step 5: Redirect Git Local Repository Run the “cd” command and redirect the stated local Git repository: cd"C:\Users\user\Git\projectrepo" ...
OpenGit bashand navigate to your working directory. Check for a clean working repository (no committed changes). Finally, execute the command in Git Bash:git fetch The last two lines are as follows: https://<repo_url>:The URL of the repository. ...
For this reason, textconv filters are enabled by default only for git-diff[1] and git-log[1], but not for git-format-patch[1] or diff plumbing commands. --ignore-submodules[=<when>] Ignore changes to submodules in the diff generation. <when> can be either "none", "untracked", ...
Table Of Contents show What is Git? Features of Git What is GitHub? Features of GitHub Difference Between Git and GitHub Which is Better? What to Learn?
创建目录,右键在当前目录下打开GitBash 运行git init 创建成功后,目录下会多了一个.git文件(默认是隐藏的,执行ls -ah即可看到),Git就是根据这个文件进行版本控制的,所以千万不要乱改这个文件。 添加文件到版本库 注意,所有的版本控制系统,只能跟踪文本文件的改动,比如TXT文件,网页,所有的程序代码等等,版本控制系统...