# git commit -amend -m "new message" 1. 但是不能是已经 push 的提交 参考资料 1、git 修改已提交的内容 2、git之修改上次提交备注
如果需要修改文件,则需要先暂存文件。 git add . 覆盖最新一条commit。 git commit --amend -m "message." 如果已经推送到远程仓库,想要修改, 强制推送到远程仓库。 git push --force-with-lease [remote] [branch]
在使用 Git 进行版本控制时,如果你已经进行了一次提交,但想要修改这次提交的提交信息(message),可以使用 git commit --amend 命令。以下是详细的步骤和说明: 打开命令行界面: 你需要打开你的命令行界面(如 Terminal、Command Prompt 或 PowerShell 等)。 导航到 Git 仓库所在的目录: 使用cd 命令导航到你的 Git ...
git commit --amend It open the REPL let you to modify the last commit message. We shouldn't change the commit message from the remote repo, it break other prople commit logs --amend can be used in another case, which you forgot to save one file, but you already did one commit, in...
git commit --amend 1. It open the REPL let you to modify the last commit message. We shouldn't change the commit message from the remote repo, it break other prople commit logs --amend can be used in another case, which you forgot to save one file, but you already did one commit...
$ git commit file1.txt file2.txt -m “Commit message” “` 4. 添加所有变更的文件到commit:使用`-a`选项可以将所有已经被git跟踪的文件都添加到commit中。 “`shell $ git commit -a -m “Commit message” “` 5. 修改上一次commit的信息:使用`–amend`选项可以修改上一次commit的信息。该命令会将...
Amend Last Git Commit Message If you only want to amend the last Git commit message of your repository, there is a quicker way than having to rebase your Git history. To amend the message of your last Git commit, you can simply execute the “git commit” command with the “–amend” ...
git commit -m "xxx" 提交暂存区的内容到本地仓库 ,并添加评论"xxx", m是message的缩写 git commit --amend 上一次commit 被reviewer拒了后,做出修改后提交,要加--amend 参数 git log 查看当前分支的commit 记录 git log -p commitID详细查看commitID的具体内容 ...
To review,git commit--amendlets you take the most recent commit and add new staged changes to it. You can add or remove changes from the Git staging area to apply with a--amendcommit. If there are no changes staged, a--amendwill still prompt you to modify the last commit message log...
$ git commit --amend -m "New and correct message" Simply put, thisoverwritesyour last commit with a new one. This also means that you're not limited to just editing the commit'smessage: you could also add another couple of changes you forgot. ...