Git Alias account: Git Alias repository: Short aliases Short aliases are for frequent commands and options: git add: git a = add git aa = add --all git ap = add --patch git au = add --update git branch: git b...
PS:我们在 GitHub 的每次提交理论上都会在主页的下面产生一条绿色小方块的记录,如果你确认你提交了,但是没有绿色方块显示,那肯定是你提交代码配置的邮箱跟你 GitHub 上的邮箱不一致,GitHub 上的邮箱可以到Setting -> Emails里查看。 2. alias 我们知道我们执行的一些 Git 命令其实操作很频繁的类似有: git commit ...
$ git config --global checkout $ git config --global branch $ git config --global commit $ git config --global status This means that, for example, instead of typinggit commit, you just need to typegit ci. As you go on using Git, you’ll pro...
The source of this book ishosted on GitHub. Patches, suggestions and comments are welcome. Chapters ▾ 2nd Edition 2.7 Git Basics - Alias Git Sebelum kita menyelesaikan bab tentang Git dasar ini, hanya ada satu tip kecil yang bisa membuat pengalaman Git Anda lebih sederhana, mudah, dan ...
Alsan / git-alias Public Notifications Fork 0 Star 1 Automate your workflow from idea to production GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Learn more about getting started with...
About add or update default alias config Just: galiasmeCm'commit -am "me message"' Then g meCm Install npm igit-alias Repository Homepage Weekly Downloads 5 Version
This alias is to publish a new branch to a remote the first time. Takes as a parameter, the remote to push to. It will try to push a branch that matches the current branch's name to the given remote (defaulting to "origin"). ...
GitHub is where people build software. More than 73 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 200 million projects.
个人觉得git命令实在是太原始了,好比使用汇编代码(但还是要远远好过知乎的编辑器,因为至少人家还是图灵完备的代码,而知乎的编辑器根本不配叫编辑器),不配置一些git alias,根本无法使用。 以下命令放在.gitconfig的[alias]下 git config -e --global可以直接打开.gitconfig ...
alias.h master BranchesTags git/alias.h Go to file Copy path 12 lines (9 sloc)310 Bytes RawBlame #ifndefALIAS_H #defineALIAS_H structstring_list; char*alias_lookup(constchar*alias); intsplit_cmdline(char*cmdline,constchar***argv);