遇到“You've added another git repository inside your current repository."问题的同学直接看最后 一个git仓库有时候会需要引用另一个仓库,来确保能跟踪到仓库的更新。 操作方法: 在仓库目录下启动命令行,执行: git submodule add url url就算要添加的子仓库的...
原因: 即在本地初始化的仓库(使用 git init的文件夹) 中的某一个文件夹,也含有 .git 文件 。 解决: 删除子文件夹里的.git文件,然后重新add、commit、push
You can't merge arepositoryinto abranch. You can merge abranchfrom another repository into abranchin your local repository. Assuming that you have two repositories,fooandbarboth located in your current directory: $lsfoo bar Change into thefoorepository: $cdfoo Add thebarrepository as a remote ...
# 比较工作区与暂存区文件的差异 $ git diff # 比较暂存区与最后一次提交的文件差异(可使用cached或者staged) $ git diff --cached # 比较工作区与最后一次提交的文件差异 $ git diff HEAD # 比较两个提交的差异 $ git diff <one-commit> <another-commit> # 比较两个提交指定文件的差异 $ git diff <on...
这种情况有提交“Merge branch 'master' of gitee.com:micaixiaoduanku/Demo”的提交记录,其实我本意并不希望出现这个提交记录,我只希望有一条“add fileB from Demo2”的提交记录,在刚才pull的过程中,我拉下来了远程仓库的fileA文件,这是一个merge的过程,在git中merge是一个commit的操作,切记(这点和SVN不同)...
In the next example, there's only the main branch on the local repository and the main on the remote repository. If there would be another remote branch, you can just select that branch, and it automatically creates a local branch linked to that remote branch....
git add (add files from the working directory to the staging index) git rm --cached (remove a file from the Staging index) git commit (take files from the staging index and save them in the repository) git commit -m git commit --amend (alter the most-recent commit) git revert (rever...
4. Push the changes to a remote repository: git push [remote_name] Method 3: Use the git show Command Thegit showcommand is a Git tool used to show details of Git objects, such as blobs, trees,tags, and commits. It can also be used to check out a file from another branch by red...
Figure 33. Adding another server as a remote Now, you can rungit fetch teamoneto fetch everything the remoteteamoneserver has that you don’t have yet. Because that server has a subset of the data youroriginserver has right now, Git fetches no data but sets a remote-tracking branch cal...
Add other file extensions and folders as needed to keep the size of your Git repo as small as possible. Figure 3 The Team Explorer Connect Panel After creating the new repository, you’ll see it appear under the Local Git Repositories section. Double-click any repo tha...