GitAction 配置项目中的.github/workflows/.yml文件,处理一个自定义的工作流 其中secrets的变量定义在git项目中的Settings - Actions secrets and variables设置 name: Docker Image CI # Actions名称 on: # 执行时机 push: branches: - dev - release jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: che...
docker-active 部署时最好不要在挂载盘上启动docker-compose,我当时报了Error executing actionrunon resource 'ruby_block[directory resource: /data/GitLab]'这种错,换到系统盘启动docker-compose.yml就没事了。数据文件可以放在挂载盘。 推荐使用dockge管理docker。 可以看一下Docker 项目分享 - dockge- 管理 do...
再到后边有了解到github action是可以跑docker的,那么理应也可以跑k8s的,因次,搜索了一下,有两个选择,第一个是使用k3s, 特点是轻量,初始化一个k3s的环境可能只需要20 秒左右,缺点是不是标准的k8s需要使用k3s kubectl get pods -A这样的方式才能访问到集群数据。第二种选择是kind,kubernetes in docker的缩写,链...
每个step 可以定义自己的 name 和 id,通过 uses 可以声明使用一个具体的 action,通过 run 声明需要执行哪些指令; ${{}}可以使用上下文参数。 上述示例可以抽象为: name: <workflow name> on: <events that trigger workflows> jobs: <job_id>: name: <job_name> runs-on: <runner> steps: - name: <st...
runs-on:ubuntu-latest steps: -uses:actions/checkout@v3 -name:Install Pnpm run:npm install --global pnpm@latest -name:Install Vercel CLI run:npm install --global vercel@latest #创建 Vercel Token :
This action opens the Create Git folder dialog for you, pre-populated with the configuration for the Git repository that backs it.Important Currently you cannot use the Git CLI to perform Git operations in a Git folder. If you clone a Git repo using the CLI through a cluster’s web ...
可以是执行某一个run 命令,或者一个action - uses: actions/checkout@v3 # 拉取 github 仓库代码(action) - name: Install and Build 🔧 # 该步骤的名称 run: | # 该步骤运行的命令或者 action yarn npm run build - name: Deploy uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@releases/v3 with: ...
In interactive mode, you can mark commits with the action "edit". However, this does not necessarily mean thatgit rebaseexpects the result of this edit to be exactly one commit. Indeed, you can undo the commit, or you can add other commits. This can be used to split a commit into two...
{secrets.GITHUB_TO_SERVER_KEY}}ARGS:"-rltgoDzvO --delete"SOURCE:"public/"REMOTE_HOST:${{secrets.SERVER_IP}}REMOTE_PORT:${{secrets.SERVER_PORT}}REMOTE_USER:${{secrets.SERVER_USER}}TARGET:${{secrets.REMOTE_TARGET}}-name:Deploygh-pagesenv:ACTION_DEPLOY_KEY:${{secrets.HEXO_DEPLOY_KEY}}...
-uses:actions/checkout@v4with:ref:${{ github.head_ref }}#Other steps that change files in the repository go here#…#Commit all changed files back to the repository-uses:stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5 Note The Action has to be used in a Job that runs on a UNIX-like system ...