1 How can I switch the working branch (Git) in Android Studio 2 Undo git command - reset head (hard) in android studio 7 How to reset to any of the previous commit in android studio? 5 Git: Accidentally reverted without commiting 79 How to revert project back to a previou...
Right below the “Changes to be committed” text, it says usegit restore --staged <file>…to unstage. So, let’s use that advice to unstage theCONTRIBUTING.mdfile: $ git restore --staged CONTRIBUTING.md $ git status On branch master Changes to be committed: (use "git restore --st...
$ git branch -m <new-branch-name> Another way to rename your Git branch is by using only one line, specifying both the old name and the new name: $ git branch -m <old-branch-name> <new-branch-name> Once you have renamed your Git branch, it’s recommended to check its status: $...
git filter-branch --msg-filter ' cat && echo "Acked-by: Bugs Bunny <bunny@bugzilla.org>" ' HEAD~10..HEAD The--env-filteroption can be used to modify committer and/or author identity. For example, if you found out that your commits have the wrong identity due to a misconfigured user...
I had been working on a branch of a fork associated with a merge request and I was stupid enough to accidentally delete my local git folder. Luckily, all code changes had already been pushed, but I can't figure out how to properly recreate the state of the folder at the time ...
How to do itHow can you use the newly discovered functionality of Git pre-commit scripts? How about stopping you from accidentally leaking secrets to GitHub?Let's use the Git hook to scan the code being committed into your local repository for specific keywords. Replace the content of the ...
git branch -d git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all (see all branches at once) git merge (combines changes on different branches) Handle Merge Conflicting Git命令是每一位程序猿几乎天天会用到的命令。尤其是在遇到棘手的问题和复杂命令的时候,更需要清醒的大脑。虽然带货,但说实话,我也不知道...
Gosh no, I just added all of these commits to master. They were thought to be peer reviewed first in a dedicated branch! No worries, in this lesson we’re going to see a couple of commands that will help you move your commits into a dedicated feature branch. ...
GitHub supports Subversion clients, which may produce some unexpected results if you're using both Git and SVN on the same project. If you've manipulated Git's commit history, those same commits will always remain within SVN's history. If you accidentally committed some sensitive...
Switching to Another Branch: When you're working on a featuregit branchand need to switch to another branch (e.g., for an urgent bug fix), Git stash allows you to save your changes without committing them. This prevents incomplete work from being committed and keeps your commit history cle...