公司gitlab上代码上传的时候没有编辑好.gitignore文件,造成远端仓库过大,换新设备拉取仓库时发现拉不下来(remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side.) 解决方案 - 分步克隆(参考链接) 1、克隆最新一次 commit $ git clone https://xxxxxx.git --depth 1 2、下载所有历史 $...
remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side. fatal: protocol error: bad pack header 解决办法是分层clone $gitclone--depth 1$git remote set-branches origin'remote_branch_name'$git fetch --depth 1 origin remote_branch_name$git chec...
克隆报错 remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side. 解决办法 方法一:分步克隆 $ git clone https://xxxxxx.git --depth 1 然后下载所有历史 $ git fetch --unshallow 或者克隆剩余所有 $ git remote set-branches origin '*' $ git fetch -v 或者克隆某一分支 $ ...
在使用git的过程中,一直出现fatal: protocol error: bad pack header,导致git无法更新以及上传。具体报错见以下: fatal: git upload-pack: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side. remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side. fatal: protocol error: b...
error: git upload-pack: git-pack-objects died with error.\nfatal: git upload-pack: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side.remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side. fatal: early EOF fatal: index-pack failed‘’’ H...
在使用git的过程中,一直出现fatal: protocol error: bad pack header,导致git无法更新以及上传。具体报错见以下: fatal: git upload-pack: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side. remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side. ...
fatal: git upload-pack: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side. error: unpack failed: error Missing tree 多种原因可能导致此情况: 1.本地由于多次git commit导致一些commit ID生成,有可能没有把他们清除干净,所以本地的git对象和服务器上的git不一致,在push的时候产生冲突引起fail...
remote: Counting objects: 1193, done.error: pack-objects died of signal 9027/1045)error: git upload-pack: git-pack-objects died with error.fatal: git upload-pack: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side.remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the rem...
remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side. fatal: early EOF fatal: index-pack failed hemi@ubuntu:$ 为了处理这个错误,我试图重新打包原始存储库(根据此论坛帖子)。但是,它不是重新打包存储库,而是描述了如何使用“git pack-objects”命令。
remote: aborting due to possible repository corruption on the remote side. fatal: protocol error: bad pack header 首先需要你在git bash中设置下命令(在服务端设置,不是客户端): git config --global pack.windowMemory "100m" git config --global pack.packSizeLimit "100m" ...