3. 发布分支策略(Release Branch Strategy) – 创建一个发布分支(Release Branch),用于准备发布新版本。在发布分支上进行缺陷修复和小的改进,并进行测试。在完成测试后,将发布分支合并到主分支和开发分支,然后删除发布分支。 4. 紧急修复分支策略(Hotfix Branch Strategy) – 当在生产环境中发现紧急bug时,创建一个紧...
First, the code base should have only one main branch. All official versions available to the user are posted on this main branch. image.jpeg Git主分支的名字,默认叫做Master。它是自动建立的,版本库初始化以后,默认就是在主分支在进行开发。 The name of the main branch of Git, which is called ...
The developers create a separate branch for each feature that they're working on. Each feature branch is independent & can be developed and tested without disturbing the main branch. Collaboration occurs by merging feature branches into the main branch. GitFlow It is a branching strategy in GIT ...
$ git checkout master Switched to branch'master' 准备合并dev分支,请注意--no-ff参数,表示禁用Fast forward: 1 2 3 4 $ git merge --no-ff -m"merge with no-ff"dev Merge made by the'recursive'strategy. readme.txt | 1 + 1filechanged, 1 insertion(+) 因为本次合并要创建一个新的 commit,...
切换到一个新分支'dev'yanwei@ubuntu:~/git_test$git branch * dev master 修改code.txt内容并提交: # 修改后的code.txt内容如下:yanwei@ubuntu:~/git_test$ cat code.txtthisisthe first linethisisthe second linethisisthe third linethisisthe forth linethisisdev branchyanwei@ubuntu:~/git_test$ git...
$ git branch -d [branch-name] # 合并分支 $ git merge [branch-name] 分支的作用在于将工作切分开来,使得工作可以多线独立发展。以上是本讲关于分支命令的概括。此外,本讲还介绍了Git采取的3种合并策略:Fast-forward(直接移动指针),recursive strategy(采取三方合并)以及merge conflict(手动修改存在冲突的文件)...
建立本地分支和远程分支的关联,使用git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/<branch-name> <branch-name> 创建与合并分支# 分支过程# 1.新建分支 2.提交分支修改 3.合并分支 4.删除分支 当我们创建新的分支,例如dev时,Git新建了一个指针叫dev,指向master相同的提交,再把HEAD指向dev,就表示当前分支在dev上: ...
While working with the GitHub flow branching strategy, there aresix principlesyou should adhere to to ensure you maintain good code. Any code in the main branch should be deployable. Create new descriptively-named branches off the main branch for new work, such asfeature/add-new-payment-types....
图3-3. 分支其实就是从某个提交对象往回看的历史 那么,Git 又是如何创建一个新的分支的呢?答案很简单,创建一个新的分支指针。比如新建一个 testing 分支,可以使用git branch命令: $git branch testing 这会在当前 commit 对象上新建一个分支指针(见图 3-4)。
[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"] path = foo.inc ; include only if we are in a worktree where foo-branch is ; currently checked out [includeIf "onbranch:foo-branch"] path = foo.inc ; include only if a remote with the given URL exists (note ; that such a URL may be ...