North Sea Oil Offshore Maps and GIS - English sector: Maps from the UK government showing licensing information, locations of wells and country-ownership boundaries. North Sea Oil Offshore Maps and GIS - Dutch sector: Same as above but for the Dutch-controlled area of the North Sea. To dow...
When it comes to industries such as oil and gas, where maps are usually rich with land, infrastructure, wells and distribution data, cloud GIS solution is... Beyond Fieldwork: What’s Next After Data is Collected? You eased your paper-based data collection workflow with the help of Mobile...
Delaware County, Indiana, the chosen study area, has more than 3000 located water supply wells, which are either in the near surface glacial sand and gravel outwash deposits or in the carbonate bedrock below. The depth to bedrock in the county varies between 10 feet to 300 feet with pre...
North Sea Oil Offshore Maps and GIS - English sector: Maps from the UK government showing licensing information, locations of wells and country-ownership boundaries. North Sea Oil Offshore Maps and GIS - Dutch sector: Same as above but for the Dutch-controlled area of the North Sea.To downl...
The map area in which the simulations were performed is called the Indian Pine watershed located in Tippecanoe County, Indiana. The non-point source surface model was run to obtain nitrogen concentration in the runoff volume leaving a cell using surface elevations obtained from fractal surfaces and...