The GIS-multicriteria decision analysis (GIS-MCDA) technique is increasingly used for landslide hazard mapping and zonation. It enables the integration of different data layers with different levels of uncertainty. In this study, three different GIS-MCDA methods were applied to landslide susceptibility...
DRAFT GIS-T Data Sharing IssuesKenneth DuekerJ AllisonButler HamiltonCounty Tennessee
One county in Montana is distribut- ing a wind map book compilation of all the data necessary to entice investors. The Elk River Wind Project is a 150-megawatt wind energy project located in Butler County, Kansas. Primarily used to graze cattle, the total site consists of 7,907 acres ...
Therefore, there is a need to develop an affordable but reliable mapping methodology that is capable of dealing with uncertainty to generate groundwater contamination potential maps at the watershed or county scale. This will be a useful groundwater management ...
Monte Carlo simulation-aided analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for flood susceptibility mapping in Gabes Basin (southeastern Tunisia). Environ. Earth Sci. 2017, 76, 302. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Tang, Z.; Zhang, H.; Yi, S.; Xiao, Y. Assessment of flood susceptible areas using ...