一、区别 1、连接关系不一样。 Relate(关联连接)方式连接的两个表之间的记录可以是“一对一”、“多对一”、“一对多”的关系 Join(合并连接)方式连接的两个表之间的记录只能是“一对一”、“多对一”的关系,不能实现“一对多”的合并。 2、显示不一样。 Relate实现两个表连接后,外观任然是两个独立的表,...
While join is particularly useful for a 1-1 relationship, relate is ideal for a 1-M relationship. If you don’t have any unique fields to join, you can try aspatial join. This process uses location or proximity to join fields. Do you have any questions about relate vs join? Let us ...
12. Relate [RL]– 生成一个临时表,显示与一个或多个匹配记录相关联的匹配记录。(Relate vs Join)...
join and relate 添加、删除连接(Join)和关联(Relate)VBA实例 内容摘要 ArcMap里面可以通过属性字段为两个图层建立或删除连接和关联,怎样使用VBA或Engine完成同样的工作呢? 这里主要用到IDisplayRelationshipClass.DisplayRelationshipClass方法,如下为实现的VBA代码:...
' Set up join pQueryDef.WhereClause = "datesjoin.dt_field = dudates.dt_field" ' Create FeatureDataset. Note the use of .OpenFeatureQuery. The ' Name "MyJoin" is the name of the result of the query def ' and is used in place of a Feature Class name. ...
For example, if you have 1 land parcel. This parcel has 3 points in it with 3 different owners. A spatial join will create 3 identical land parcels. But each record will have the landowner’s name on it. READ MORE:Relate vs Join: Cardinality for Attribute Tables in ArcGIS ...
An overlay is like a turbo-charged spatial join, and is useful for more exact analysis work: CREATE TABLE pg_roads as SELECT ST_Intersection(r.the_geom, m.the_geom) AS intersection_geom, ST_Length(r.the_geom) AS rd_orig_length, r.* FROM bc_roads AS r, bc_municipality AS m ...
“GIS” functionality. And if and when the broader discussion of a GIS for the government is ever started, these same departments are slow, if ever, to join the effort. Not knowing the larger intricacies and benefits of a shared, multi-department GIS program – the response is normally “...
ESRI.ArcGIS.Framework.IPropertyPage pJoinPage = new ESRI.ArcGIS.ArcMapUI.JoinRelatePageClass(); pComPropSheet.AddPage(pJoinPage); // Setup layer link ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.ISet pMySet = new ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.SetClass(); pMySet.Add(layer); pMySet.Reset(); // make the ...