A Student's Guide to Jobs in GIS Education: Crime Analysis Many post-secondary programs are offered at universities and colleges across Canada that focus on crime analysis and public safety. The following are some examples of what is available: , Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columb...
http://remote.vicp.net遥感星空- 介绍遥感 (rs),地理信息系统(gis)等。 http://www.acpgis.org/中国海外地理信息系统协会 http://www.ugis.com.cn/GIS协会城市信息系统专业委员会 http://www.aige.com.cn/lisq/地理信息系统情报站(IAGIS) 一个以交流GIS应用开发经验为主的网站,同时开展GIS培训 http:/...